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[Wen Ning's POV]

"Let's become friends! Okay?!"

It was Wei Wuxian's hearty laughter that broke the loneliness in me. As a Wen Omega, I was bound to become a plaything or a concubine for the Wen alpha's and it was Wuxian who me saved from it.

I chose to ignore every insults thrown at me. I ignore all the comparison whenever I am with him and everyone. I strive to change and live a life free from worry.

He saved me and my family after the war declared us innocent. Let me pursue a cultivation where I can free take my own form and brandish my sword with my beliefs. Allowed me to pursue love and make that person to love me.

He was my very first friend.

My best friend.

And now this person is trampling his feelings all over again?

How many more times does this person want to hurt him?

"HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!" I shouted in anger after I punch the hell out of him.

How dare he? How dare he?

He violated him. Marry him all for a one day meeting. Left him hanging without fighting for him. Fight beside him and asked for his hand. Elope but ended up marrying another. Leave while my friend tried to save his son.

He abandoned him.

His friend and son.


"Now you declare he belongs to you? Now that there's someone there for him?" Wen Ning asked, "just because you're an alpha you think you had everything.... We are not a plaything... Wuxian is not a plaything! How many times did you throw him? How many times have your treated him like a trash and picks him up when convenient? Love him again and what? After you're bored and fed up, throw him again?!"

I witness the Wei Wuxian's seven days of desperation. I witness how my friend cried day and night. I witness his pained expression trying to stay strong when he is not. He desperately waited for this man but he never came.

Wei Wuxian is a mother.

He lived for the sake of his son.

Ready to beg this man to help him but ended up taking his own life.

"Can't you first apologize and try to mend things out? Can't you feel he's tired and wanting to be loved? Love you can't give. Love you selfishly kept away from him..."

I weep for my friend. Felt bad for his unrequited love. Pitied him for the wrong he suffered that was never his fault alone.

"Can't you be a little considerate and let him have the happiness you can't give?"

I'm tired.

I'm tired hearing Wuxian crying for this man every night.

I'm tired watching A-Yuan long for a father that can never be with him.

I'm tired for my friend who keep sacrificing himself but got nothing in return.

"Second Master Lan..." I called, "if you love him... You should let him go..."

It's the truth.

The one thing true.

"Accept that he can never be happy by your side... So please... Just let him go.."

As a friend, I don't want for him to hurt. He deserves a second chance but not with the same man.

Lan Wangji remained silent in his place.

"You could've mend everything... If at the very first place... You didn't destroy it..."

Lan Wangji's eyes widen.

"You love him? Then let me ask you... Is that all your love can give?"

With that... I left the man pale and silent.

Love is sadness, a sacrifice to make.

But love is also letting go when both are only hurting each other.

To have a right love at a wrong time.

To cherish someone what doesn't cherish you back.

"Hanguang-jun, haven't you heard?... That tears are the words the heart can't say..."

I knew that Wuxian will never get over with this man no matter how long has been.

I knew how this person's heart works.

He'll have a once and a one time love. That's why he was able to give him a second chance.

"Have you ever listened to Wuxian heart?"

He was willing to hurt for this man.

But this man... Never take a step towards him.

"Wen Ning..."

Wuxian's voice called. Pleading me to stop all this, but I can't.

"Wuxian... I consider you as my best friend..." I sadly called out, "and I don't want you to hurt... For the third time..."

You deserve happiness.

You deserve everything the world as to offer.

You were light on everyone you meet.

But never have been the light in your world.

So I... As your friend...

"Let me protect you... And the happiness you deserve..."

You always smile.

Move on with you day.

Hold back your tears...

And pretend it's okay...

The way you carry every burden breaks you down.

"Lan Wangji..." I called, "I'm not against you meeting with A-Yuan... After all you're his father... But please... Don't break the family your child is about to have..."

Don't break them any more than what you've done.

"Let them have happiness..."

Uncle Jiang and Madam Yu arrived. Lan Wangji after giving his courtesy left. His steps were heavy and remorseful.

He wanted to glance back but us keeping Wuxian from him.

He never dares back.

He should think how to break every mistake he made.

He should take his stand.

Chose one.

He cannot have everything he wants.

Not until that day..

If he can't make a decision...

Then there's nothing for him to mend..

...to be continued...

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