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The soulful sound of guqin reverberated throughout Lotus Pier reflecting one broken heart calling for an unresponsive soul. Hours turned days, days turn to a year. However, the sound never stopped calling—pleading for one short response but the strings of qin remained still.

The sound of inquiry filled the whole hall once again. One lone figure with solemn face sat before the glass coffin, continuously play the song one after another.

Lan Wangji stepped out and reached a hand. Patting the Inquirer, yanking him to a tight hug. No words were exchange, he scooped him up, hugging him close so he won't fall. Kissing him on his head, his child wrapped his small arms around his neck—crying—again after his failed inquiry.

Lan Wangji could only soothe him by embracing him. Securing his son, making him feel he is still there.

"He won't answer..." Jiang Yuan cried, "why? Why won't he answer?!"

Like the thirteen years of Lan Wangji's inquiry, his son is now also suffering the loss, the yearning and longing.

'everything will be fine..' he wanted to say but he knew empty words could never heal their hearts.

It has been a year since Wei Wuxian vanished into light pearls. Jiang Yuan cried for days, played inquiry the moment he recovers and cry every after long sessions. Remained by his mother side, lie down beside the coffin, and cried himself to sleep.

Lan Wangji could only stay by his side, watch him in pain. He, too, felt like breaking apart. Yet, Wei Ying told him to never leave their son's side, to make him happy and protect him.

After the siege of Cloud Recesses, Lan Wangji did not return. He remained by his son's side and quietly watch him and Wei Ying's body. There was once a time, when he saw his A-Yuan crying over Wei Wuxian's coffin calling "A-Niang... A-Niang..." In a sad tone.

During that one year, Jin Guangshan was caught and sold to a brothel. With his core sealed, he was forced to please every dirty old man and woman and sometimes other youngsters which eventually killed him for some disease that even crows refused to eat his flesh. He was left to rot away by himself with no one taking him for a proper burial. Apparently, his costumers were all people who had grudges against him.

The Jin sect appointed Jin Zixuan as new sect leader. The divorce agreement was signed and approved by him dissolving Lan Wangji and Jin Jinu's marriage. The jin whore, apparently was caught by Lan FengYan fucking another Gusu Elder who was able to flee from the siege. Lan Wangji who was there, killed them with his own sword while they were at it. For no reason, he felt some sort of accomplishment for doing so.

Jiang Yanli refused to leave lotus pier. She had been Jiang Yuan's mother figure in the absence of Wei Wuxian so she cannot leave the child like this. Jin Ling had been hanging around trying to pull his cousin to night hunts.

Even the Jiangs had been spoiling Jiang Yuan. Trying every means for the child to get back to his feet.

But nothing.

Nothing brought those smiles back to his son.

Even him.

The solemn face remain on A-Yuan's face. He would see him by the docks staring at a distance playing his mother's dizi with their love song. Sometimes, he would accompany him with his guqin earning a little smile.

But most of the time, he'll find him beside his mother's coffin—crying.

A year turned two, and still nothing changed. The two of them went to night hunts after night hunts, going wherever chaos is. His A-Yuan finally return to his usual self but not entirely the one he used to watch before.

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