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The moment Lan Wangji knew, they flew away and then they crashed to the grounds. Bichen and Suibian were talented swords that allow it's masters to land safely. Lan Wangji blankly stare at the sky. He could hear the chirping of the birds, the soft rustles of the wind and the warmth... Warmth that engulfed him in an embrace. He blankly stare into the distance, trying to process everything between them.

He can't help but place an arm on his eyes, keeping his tears away from sight. He felt the movements of the person above him, gently pulling his arms. His palm cupped Wei Wuxian's cheeks, while the other's hand lay above his hands. Feeling the hot tears, his thumb wiped those tears away.

"I thought is was a mistake... Our farce of a marriage was a big mistake..." Wei Wuxian cried, "I stared at you with un-shed tears I kept for all these years... I stood there with A-Yuan in my arms... Watched you wrapped the ribbon you never let me touch... My heart cracked, cracking with that excruciating pain... I thought.... Lan Zhan never like me... That... Everything between us... Was a big mistake..."

"I feel so lost... So betrayed... What happened to your promise? What happened to your return? Did you just played with my feelings yet I... I loves you. Really... Really love you.. Yet... Yet......" Crying so hard had never been his company, "I... Was so hurt... Lan Zhan... I was!"

"I loved you all these years... Ruined you with such love... Yet... Even now... I still do..."

Wei Wuxian bend down and lay his head on Lan Wangji's chest, "please Lan Zhan... Let's forget about it all... Be with me... Don't go anywhere without me..."

"If you go..." Wei Wuxian whispered, "please just kill me..."

Lan Wangji wrapped his arms around Wei Wuxian. Sticking him closer than he was.

"Let's be together... but.. first... Let's have a wedding in red... where I would sit a top a donkey for our procession... let's have a happy family... and to travel the world like we dreamed of before..." Smiling, Wei Wuxian wished, "and promise me... That you'll never hurt me... Ever again..."

"Aren't you a little demanding?" Lan Wangji asked.

"You have no right to question me! You are mine! Lan Zhan! Mine!" Finally sitting, Wei Wuxian reached for Lan Wangji's ribbon hesitantly, "I am yours... Even when you can't be mine..."

Lan Wangji sat up not letting Wei Wuxian go from his lap. He took off his ribbon, he solemnly and silently wrapped it on Wei Wuxian's wrist, kissing the tip with a serious face as he stare at Wei Wuxian.

"Mine..." Slowly their heads reached for each other's, their breaths mingled at long last, Lan Wangji whispered, "I am yours... I can't be with anyone but you..."

Smiling so happy, their A-Yuan ended up running and throwing himself to them into a tight hug. Finally, their family are together now.


"so... You and Wen Ning are..."

"Married..." Jiang Wanyin deadpanned.

"Then... Our... M-marriage arrenagement was a—"

"Fluke..." Jiang Wanyin scowled, "why would I want to marry you, idiot? Ah... Just remembering that confession wanna makes me puke... Really... A prodigy like you can also be the densest person in the world! I never talked to you without cursing you know!"

"Hm... Even when you confessed to me you cursed..." Wen Ning.

Okay, fuck... This is...

"Just what the goddamn fuck?!"

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