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[Lan Tian/Qingheng-jun's POV]

It was thirteen years ago when I last heard Wangji call me father. The day after I met with FengYan, I've seen Wangji's stricken face as he walked through the aisle for a marriage. I was horrified, pain and angered. It was not a marriage with that person rather, it was with someone else.

I saw my clan's wicked side as they watched Wangji bowed thrice and froze the moment he hears the cry of an infant. Staring completely at a distance where his beloved stood with grief.

That was... Painful.

Wangji left and went to lotus pier, he battled our clansmen as he flew away. The moment he returned.

His core cracked, his spiritual energy so low and his life essence reduced. He never told anyone what happened. He just stood motionless, kneeled infront of everyone and recieved thirty three discipline whips for the transgressions he made.

He laid face down on this bed crying for a name I do not know to whom it belongs.

For an entire month it went it the same scenerio. However, there was once that he dragged himself out cloud recesses. He begged me to take him to lotus pier and there I met the one thing that my Wangji desired to.

With his back full of scars, he cradled a child in his arms giving what ever spiritual energy he has.

He hasn't used any energy to heal his wounds but... He gave them all to the child.

His smiles was priceless as they cuddled closer.

His serene face was carved through my mind when I realized who's child it was.

I glanced back to Jiang Fengmian who had a pained expression.

We talked, we came to an agreement.

For five years... I am to take Lan Wangji here discreetly, until the child starts to cultivate his core.

They told me that the child was born with a golden core. It was really rare for a child to be born with it. They told me that his mother was also a child who was born with a golden core.


Because of the war.

Wei Wuxian had to conceal the child in dormancy and fought to win the war. Jiang Fengmian told me a secret only he, Madam Yu and the Wen siblings knew.

That Wei Wuxian had no core to support the child's core when pregnant. The spell casted to keep the child from growing also took a negative feedback, with his use of resentful energy, the child's core ended up protecting himself. And... It resulted, to an incomplete core.

A core that saps the life of it's bearer.

They even told me, how Wei Wuxian paid the price of his son's life with his life. It was all to keep the fire of his core with prayer to live a good life.

Gods... Oh gods...

My sect... My clan destroyed a life.

I could never asked for forgiveness for all the things that has been done.

I could only watch my son slowly repair his son's core with whatever energy he could muster for the month.

Completely disregarding his healing wounds.

For five whole years.

To watch him silently tremble in excitement whenever his one day was up. To watch him helplessly repair his son's core to the point of breaking his own. All for his child's life.

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