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Hey, how is everybody, I'm just here to  mention a few things about the future of this story. The mirko x garou was a huge mistake story wise. I tried to find a way to get them apart because I wanted to focus more and garou and shigarakis possible broship. So if you liked the mirko x garou thing, I'm sorry, although through out time maybe garou will fall in love with a purple haired pew pew girl. idk, and about the future, there is still a shit tone of content in the mha. And I actually wanted to end the story thier but it didn't sit right with me, I was going to make genos travel to the other dimension to fight garou along side Saitama to end the story thier but I decided not to. Anyways that's my talk. I'll see you guys in the next chapter, which is soon, hopefully.

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