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Hey sorry it's been a while. My computer broke so I've been trying to get it fixed. 

but anyways here is part 8! I hope you like it! :D

Dove's PoV

"Alright, you put us here. How are you gonna get yourself out?"

"You can bail out anytime."

"How low you want to go, Rooster?"

"I can go as low as you, Sir! And that's saying something."

"Hard deck is 5,000 ft., fellas. You are running out of room."

Altitude! Altitude!

"Your strategy is about to run us into the ground. What's your move?"

I can't breathe. No air is making it into my lungs. There is a whisper in my ear but I can't hear it.

I'm frozen in time, watching my brother and the man who helped raise me spiral towards the ground.

I feel a hand grab onto mine and I hold on tight, as if this hand in mine can keep what is happening in front of my eyes away.

Suddenly our view of the jets are cut off by a ridge. All we have now is the radio with the comms coming through.

Pull up! Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!

I can feel the tears running down my cheeks but I don't remember when I started crying. I am suddenly pushing myself into a warm body as I begin to shake and lay my head down on a chest.

Arms are wrapped around me in a tight embrace. As if physically holding me together.

The electronic voice is cut off finally when Mav's voice is heard again. It's all I can do to stay still and quiet to hear what is happening in the air.

There is that voice in my ear again, "They are ok little bird. I can see the jets, all three. Rooster is ok." I started to let my body relax from all of the anxiety about what was happening in the air after a minute.

As air finally enters my lungs without much struggle and my breathing evens out, I take off. Out the door, down the stairs and thought the hanger onto the tarmac. Hondo is telling Rooster his pushup are over, but Rooster continues.

I don't even look at Hondo as he passes by, my eyes set on my brother.

Once I get within reach, I shove Rooster out of his pushups with all my strength.

"Breaking the hard deck, insubordination. Are you trying to get kicked out?" I yell, tears streaming down my face more than before now that I know he is unharmed.

"Don't worry about it, Dove." Rooster says righting himself from being shoved.

"Don't worry about it? Are you kidding me right now, Rooster? Look not only are you my only brother and living relative, I am going on this mission. If you get kicked out you leave us flying with Hangman. So talk to me Rooster, what the hell is that?" I go in for another shove but Rooster is able to stop me before he stands tall over me.

"I said don't worry about it, Dove. Nothing bad happened, I'm fine." Rooster bites, obviously getting frustrated with me. But I don't care, my anger is valid.

"Nothing bad happened? Seriously Bradley?" The color starts to drain from Bradley's face at the use of his first name. I start shaking again, feeling a panic attack coming on. I angrily wipe at my tears before grabbing Bradley by the collar of his flight suit.

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