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Bob's POV

Dove has officially crossed into drunk territory.

Everytime Rooster tried to come talk to her, she pulled me deeper onto the dance floor. After about half an hour Rooster got the hint that she didn't want to talk to him after Phoenix grabbed him and talked to him in a far corner away from Dove. Things seemed pretty tense between the two when they first started talking, by the end Phoenix punched Rooster's shoulder and he let out a short laugh.

After a few more songs of drunken dancing, Dove announced loudly that she had to pee. Phoenix turned to me, rolling her eyes, before helping Dove towards the back restrooms. Laughing slightly I walked towards the bar to order some water for Dove and Phoenix when Rooster settled himself beside me.

"She hates me, doesn't she." He said sadly looking down at his beer.

"I won't say she hates you. She just isn't your biggest fan right now. Give her some time to cool off then talk to her. She might not tell you, but this rift between you and Maverick is really messing with her. So maybe, just a thought, actually talk to her about it." I say as Penny comes back with the two waters.

"Here you go Bob. Hey Rooster, need another?" She asks.

"Nah I'm about to head out so I'll just close my tab please." He responds, pulling out his card and handing it to her. After Penny walks away Rooster turns back to me. "Will you make sure she gets home safely?"

"Yeah man, of course. I haven't had a single drink so I'll drive her home." I respond with a nod.

Rooster still looks unsure about leaving. "Phoenix and I won't let her leave our dights. I promise." I reassure him.

"Seriously thanks man. I really owe you one." Rooster responds

"It's really no problem, Rooster. I've got her." I say nodding my head at him before taking the waters and heading to find the girls back on the makeshift dance floor.

After a few moments I find Phoenix leaning against the wall watching the dance floor. " How is she doing?" I ask handing Phoenix one of the waters.

"She won't talk about it. It's like she is shutting down." Phoenix says as she takes the water from me and takes a drink.

"Well maybe she just needs a bit more time to figure things out in her own head." I say with a slight shrug looking towards the dance floor finding Dove still dancing with Payback and Fanboy.

I guess dancing is a loose term for what is happening on the dance floor right now. Payback and Fanboy really are just taking turns propping up a visibly drunk and tired Dove.

"She really should head home." Phoenix chimes in from my left.

"Yeah I'm gonna take her home. Are you guys ok to take an uber home or do you wanna go with us now?" I ask before grabbing my keys from my pocket.

"We'll be fine taking an uber back, you just worry about getting her home and in bed." Phoenix says downing the last of her water. "Ready to face the beast that is Dove when she is drunk?" Phoenix asks

"I'm sure I can handle her drunk." I say making my way towards the trio.

"Hey Dove, how are you feeling?" I ask.

"Bob! Look guys it's Bob! Bob's back!" Dove yells, throwing herself away from the boys and into my arms.

"Woah there Dove." I say pulling her into me and more onto her feet. "How much has she had since I went to get her water?" I ask, turning towards Payback, who is failing at holding in a laugh.

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