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Hi everyone, if you've came from the previous version of Society then thank you for your perseverance when I took my sweet time getting it finished. If not and you've only just found this then welcome and I hope you enjoy. Although it is finished it is not fully edited and might put revisions up but (for all those who went through this in the other version) they will only be techinical revisions and the plot will remain unchanged so you won't get lost if I update something that you've already read. I hope that i've sorted most of the issues in this, and Jenny (my firend and editor for those who don't know) will probably straighten out anything I miss but please feel free to comment or inbox me any mistakes or suggestions. Although I will respons to anyone who inboxes me there might be a delay since I don't check it regularly. I also plan to dedicate a chapter to each of the people who helped me finish this whether it was through support or directly helping me in the writing. I'll also encourage you to read my other completed story Blank stars (Shameless self advertising) if you haven't looked at it. Also some exiting news on that front, if you have read, are currently reading or plan to read Blank stars then you might like to know that at the end of the year it may get formally published into a paperback novel. Obviously after quite a bit of editorial magic. Lastly I want to apologize for the lack of a cover, those who came from the previous version know what it used to be but, in all my wisdom, forgot to save it before I deleted the story and don't have a copy. I'll try to get a new one but I don't know when that'll be done.

With that I shall let you get on with the story, I apologize for rambling but this is to cover for the lack of author notes in the story itself.

Please Inbox or comment your opinions of the story, I greaty appreciate the support and critical feedback.

Kit xx

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