My Characters

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Hi, so as I said the characters mean a lot to me and I feel a little bad for saying that Mick and Leila aren't main characters so I might talk a little about supporting characters or important but short lived characters( like Amanda or Nicholas). Regardless my main characters are getting the spotlight so I'll start with Aima. *Massive Spoiler alerts* for anyone who for some reason came here before finishing.

Aima although she did go through a lot of character development I feel like she never really changed that much. That might just be because I know the characters so well and their full backstories and things like that. At the start although she was very violent she still wanted to be happy, that is esentially why she killed and in the end that was what she wanted. Although the thing that gave her happiness had shifted the only thing she wanted was to be happy. I kind of hate myself because of what I did to Aima, I truly love her character and she is a joy to write second only to Neco, but I felt it was necessary. The society she lived in was too sordid and twisted, there was no way she could live hapily there and I knew that so it came down to how I would ruin things for her esentially. I may have gone a bit over the top but I feel that it really helped to showcase her character development and I kid you not I was crying writing the end scene and when she sees Neco's body. Jenny commented on this once while she was editing on of the earlier chapters but Aima was heavily influenced by my own personality and moulded around that unlike other characters who had their own seperate personalities. This meant that whenever I was writing Aima it was very easy to know what she would do which made her even more enjoyable to write. Since they're connected I'll talk about Emily next.

Emily was probably my favourite character, not the easiest to write but certainly my favourite. I should probably mention that most the time when I talk about Emily or Aima I am often including the other to some degree. When i first wrote Emily it was mainly as a minor antagonist and originally she wasn't even mentioned before her appearance as a ghost. When I brought her in I was intending for her to showcase Aima humanity through her guilt and fear but then the idea struck me to use her as conduit. So yes she was an exposition tool, but obviously in writing you don't need an external exposition tool but I tried it out anyway. When I wrote, what I consider to be, her first scene (The one where her and Aima have their first conversation) I noticed how perfectly she fit with Aima. In fact Emily is what I would have wrote Aima as if I hadn't been so directly involved in her personality. Emily was scary but still kind and somewhat childish and like Aima she just wanted to be happy. At the end although is where I diverged from this and instead showcased the two sides to Aima, her humane side that wants to live and be happy and her 'Emily' side (or psycho side) which wants instead to kill and drag people into her veiw of the world. I feel like Emily never came across as a main character but for me she was exceedingly important which is why I gave her the last line and made her the final antagonists. Moving on to the most enjoyable character to write, Neco.

Neco, bless his soul, was so sweet and innocent and quite frankly niave. He didn't suit the society but he managed anyway and was capable enough. He was destined to die from the start (I'm begining to notice a patern in my book, don't worry the main character won't die in the next one or rather can't) I love Neco so much, words cannot describe what a joy he was to write. When he got dragged into the mess and eventually died I felt such guilt, and when I had to write the scene when Aima sees his body... God I cried... I'm gay but if I wasn't I would date Neco (If he was real too) he's just so sweet and adorable and perfect. He didn't really go through that much development he was already at his peak and had a very stable character, I tried to use him as both a mechanism to stabalise the plot, Aima and also to break up the seriousness of the killer for hire business. Now that my favourite characters are done I think i'll just ruin everyone's mood by talking about Dan.

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