Chapter 40

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After my outbursts against my relocation fell on deaf ears I listlessly allowed myself to be shuffled through the corridors. I only half paid attention as doors opened and closed behind me until we walked into the cell block, I scanned the curious onlookers. Not a single woman. They must not get many here. As I scanned the crowd I spotted a very unpleasant face. Nicholas sat next to an empty cell, which I supposed would be mine.

"You treacherous little dog." I spat at him, I yanked my arms away from the guard and ran over to his cell grabbing onto the bars to stop my lone guard from moving me. Nicholas shrunk back and his face blanched.

"Honey, listen, I didn't want to give you up, I -"

I cut him off refusing to listen to his excuses, "I never trusted you, you two faced bastard. Now my friend is caught up on this, I swear if we survive this you're going to wish you didn't. I will make your every living day hell, I will push you to the brink of death and make sure you suffer." Now the guard was pulling at me trying to loosen my grip on the bars but I elbowed him in the face, stunning him for a moment. The rest of the prisoners looked on with both fear and awe. I was about to berate him with another string of profanities when the distant sound of fighting broke through the door. Everyone snapped their attention from our fight to the door, even the guard, waiting expectantly. There was a lull in the commotion before a gunshot started it once again. The guard behind me rushed off leaving me standing awkwardly in the middle of the cell.

There was a moment of silence within the block where we all tried to process what had just happened. Then it struck me, I was free, more or less. I had no handcuffs on and no guard. I looked around me feeling smug and then everyone else seemed to realise what had happened. The silence was broken by more fighting from outside, I turned to Nicholas and looked at him smugly.

"Well, I think I shall take my exit now. You can face whoever it is that is causing such an uproar, probably not that nice."

"No you can't! You need me."

I glared at him and crouched down, ignoring the pain which flared through me. "And how, pray tell, do I need you?" Malice crept into my voice as I spoke.

"Because I have information, remember. Useful information."

A moment passed in which I battled with my mind as to whether or not his information was worth it. The fighting progressively got louder outside the cell and I made up my mind. I got up and walked out of the cell, Nicholas began protesting after me and I almost changed my mind as I heard his irritating pleas. A guard was stationed outside the block and I could see the fighting at the other end of the corridor but I couldn't make out any details. I crept up to the guard and with a deft strike to his neck he slumped under his own weight. I rummaged through his belonging until I came across a set of keys. Taking them with me I re-entered the cells, much to the relief of Nicholas. Although he wore a somewhat confused expression. I made sure to ignore him as I sifted through the keys to find the one which fit his cell. Eventually I found one which perfectly fit and heard a resounding click. The cell door swung open and Nicholas stumbled to his feet. He surged forward, looking like he was ready to hug me. I jumped back and landed a heavy blow against his back, throwing him across the cells. There was a quite ruckus which was taking over the cell block but I ignored it and stalked over to Nicholas who was busy pulling himself to his feet. I pulled him up by the scruff of his neck and glared at him, sitting on my haunches in front of him.

"You dare slow me down, or double cross me and I will kill you." He blanched but nodded his head, I pulled myself to my feet and threw the keys into the cell next to me, "Help yourselves boys." I shouted over my shoulder as I made my way out of the cells dragging Nicholas behind me like a rag doll.

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