Chapter 33

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After I was ready to leave I pulled Neco out with me to the mission board, we skimmed the missions until I spotted one I liked I ripped it from the board and headed to the reception Neco followed after me so as not to lose me within the bustle of people. I reached the reception and a surly woman took my mission and keyed it into her computer, she gave it back to me and I walked over to Neco who had only just made it to the reception.

"What mission did you take?" he asked me, I handed him the sheet over and he read it through.

"It's to kill an escaped convict, it should be fun, you up for it?"

"Yeah sure sounds fun, are we driving?"

"Do you know how, because I don't?"

He shook his head, I grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door and pulled him through the streets, hoping to miraculously come across the area Dan had taken me for my first mission. We wandered the streets for a while before I stopped, leaning against a wall to talk to Neco.

"Hey, I didn't think this through I don't know where I'm going. You got any ideas?"

He laughed a little before taking my arms and leading me back a few streets.

"Follow me, I'll let you know when we get there."

He wound his way through the streets and I followed until he stopped at a corner peering round it, he gestured to look around the corner.

I looked round and looked at my mission brief, I quickly found my victim in a group of people and I moved back around the corner. I looked for my knives before realizing I had forgotten to put them on, I felt around my boots before I found a remaining knife in the sole of my boot. I pulled it out and hid it beneath my jacket as I turned the corner, Neco stayed where he was but kept an eye on me. A few of the people there gave me a wary look and some got up and left but my victim didn't notice me, I stood behind him and quickly stabbed him in the side. He fell to his feet and there was a second of silence before he and everyone else let out a scream, most of the people ran away. I bent down and turned the man onto his back holding a knife to his throat until I confirmed it was in fact him. I heard I cry from behind me and whirled round to find Neco standing over a woman, she cried out then pulled herself to her feet and ran away. Neco lifted up a knife, assumingly the one she had and gave it to me.

"You need to watch your back"

I took the knife and turned back to the man on the ground.

"That's what you're here for, thanks for the knife."

The man was staring at me with open eyes, with both a mix of fear and surprise.

"Any last words?" I asked, not expecting any but he opened his mouth to speak, there was a delay between the action and his words.

"You're from outside. You killed them didn't you?"

Great another person speculating to my past.

"Oh, so you've heard of me, how nice. Is that all?"

"No, I knew you. You worked in my house, you're no good dad left you."

I felt my heart begin to race at his words, my dad was supposed to be dead by the time I was born, and how does this person know. I pressed my knife into his throat causing him to choke slightly and small beads of blood welled against the blade, and growled at him

"What do you mean 'your house' I killed everyone from there, and my dad was killed before I was born."

The man laughed loudly before answering.

"You were our little slave, I was the youngest there. You must never have noticed me because I watched you kill them all."

I lifted the man and slammed him back into the ground and he groaned weakly.

"Well, I'm sure I can solve that problem now can't I?"

His eyes widened further and he seemed to panic. I lifted my knife to kill him when he shouted out.

"I can tell you about your father, he wasn't dead."

I halted my knife, in the air above his throat but refused to lower it. I felt Neco walking closer to me.

"A, come on you know you need to kill him, he's lying for all you know. Remember what Dan said, surely you don't want Tanya to smash my face to bits."

I looked up at him and felt my anger dissipate.

"Fine, I know. I'll kill him, but if Tanya finds out she'll kill you anyway."

I looked down at the man who was gawping at Neco and me.

"What's with you, got a problem?"

He looked disgustedly from Neco to me.

"How can you talk so casually to a murderer, she's evil? She doesn't care about you, she pretended to care about Emily but she still killed her."

Neco crouched down next to me to look the man straight in the eye.

"Because in the society it's our job to be murderers. She isn't evil, violent maybe, but not evil. I know she cares, I'm pretty sure if she didn't she wouldn't willingly kiss me."

I punched him in the arm and knocked him over, he pushed himself up laughing a little and the man just looked more horrified. I looked back to him to ask what I wanted to.

"Ignore him, who is Emily?"

"You don't even remember her name?! You killed her, she was my friend and you killed her. Before I left, you tore up her body, you gouged out her eye and ripped her face in half."

I suddenly felt my mind create an image of the ghastly figure from yesterday.

"Tall, long brown hair, blue eyes?"

"Oh so you remember something about her, what a surprise. You made her think you cared about her, I warned her about you but she didn't believe me. Said you were too kind to kill."

I felt my grip on him tighten and Neco stood behind me warily.

"A, you ok?"

"It's her Neco, the girl from yesterday, the one I saw."

The man spat in my face and I plunged the knife into his throat, I couldn't listen to his words any more. I wiped the spit off of my face and stood up and Neco helped me to my feet.

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