Chapter 7

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They let go of my arms once the door was closed.

"You're insane you know that." One of my guards said to me, a big grin on his face. I noticed it was the lax one who I had been planning to knock out earlier.

"What makes you say that?" I said laughing a little, slightly confused by his words and composure.

"Lying about being a murderer and everything, just to get into the society, a thing like you, you'll fail the physical and be killed, insane." He laughed and I felt the smile drop from my face, he was mocking me now.

"Who said I was lying?" I could feel ice creeping into my voice, as my anger rose. How dare this idiot belittle me.

His grin quickly disappeared as he realised my anger and the other guard edged closer, apprehensively.

"Didn't you lie, there's no way a thing like you could kill someone."

I smirked and looked him straight in his eyes, feeling him edge away slightly.

"Really, I'm sure your friend can tell you I'm strong" I nodded towards the other guard who quickly nodded at my glare, remembering my actions before the trial

"And I killed one of the girls who came with Dan on the patrol. Although it was her fault, she threw up when she saw my decorations, she belittled my handiwork, and it took me a week to get all those bodies sorted."

The guard's expression blanched as he saw I was serious, and, at that we miraculously reached the exit where Dan stood waiting on me. He looked at the guard who now looked petrified and the other guard had his hand hovering above his gun ready to pull it.

"A!! Well done, have fun in there?" he asked sarcastically before eyeing up the guards, "By the way what did you do to your guard?"

"Nothing, he thought I made my crime up, so I just told him about Sophia's reaction to my decorations and me killing her."

"Sophia Romero?" the guard said questioningly.

I refused to turn round and Dan nodded his head at the guard behind me.

"What!" he shouted, so close to me as well.

I whirled around pinning the guard to the wall, startled by the sudden shouting; I loosened my grip as Dan pried me away from him.

"Don't scare me idiot, it won't end well for you."

"She's right she almost stabbed me in the neck earlier." Dan piped up a small grin on his face.

The guard just stood staring at the floor.

"Hey, dude what's up with you?" I asked, worried I'd given him a heart attack.

"Sophia Romero?"

"Yeah, what about her?" Dan asked for me.

"She's my sister. You killed my sister?!"

The guard lunged for me, and I grabbed for a knife, but Dan grabbed the guard and stopped him, his chest inches from the tip of my blade.

"You!" Dan shouted at the other guy, "Control your friend here"

"I could say the same for you; at least mine had a reason to attack her. She killed his sister for vomiting."

Dan stepped up to the calm guard and said with acid in his voice,

"She was part of the society, her job is to kill, she disgraced herself and the society, and she lost in a fair fight."

He turned back around and stood next to me.

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