Chapter 6

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The city was huge, majestic and spectacular. Every building was whole and larger than life but if you looked closely down some alleyways you could see small group of people clustering together in dirt filled gutters, I guess it's not all riches and gold's here. Dan caught me looking at the homeless in the alleys.

"Their houses and family were destroyed by the alliance; they'll be killed or sent outside soon if they can't find a place to live."

"Well, there's no dead bodies, that's something new."

"Just so long as you don't go on a rampage there probably won't be" Dan laughed as we reached the huge building which I recognised as the Chalice by its spires. It was so unusual to see it from the inside and it was much grander on this side than it appeared outside of the city. We stopped outside its doors and the two in the back jumped out and headed to the door.

"Oi! You two idiots, report to the higher ups that I'm taking her to the trial house."

The two nodded curtly before dashing into the building.

"What idiots" I said exhaling loudly. "So 'Ama dolfono' or something, what's that about?"

"Aima Dolofonos" he corrected, I held my hands up apologetically, and let him continue, "It's Greek, I thought it would suit you, it means blood assassin, which is sort of what you'll be after the trial, but you only have to remember Aima for formal introductions and I'll just call you 'A' probably."

I nodded in acknowledgement, wondering silently how he knew Greek in the first place, I never voiced my questions thought instead I asked different questions.

"I have two questions, one; when you say you'll call me A, does that mean I'll be seeing more of you. And secondly, explain this trial to me."

He gave me a quick look, most likely forgetting that I come from outside of the city momentarily.

"Firstly, yes you will be stuck with me, its protocol that if a supervisor brings a recruit back without notice, then that recruit is their responsibility."

I nodded my head as I listened tentatively to his explanation.

"Secondly, this trial is for all the murders you have committed, most of the society recruits that are brought in from outside are murderers, assassins, thief's. But if they weren't then they don't need a trial but we rarely bring in recruits like that.

I thought back to the girl I killed in the bar, it made sense that they wouldn't.

"Since your body count was one of the largest your trial will be short."

I tilted my head squinting at him, that didn't seem to make sense to me.

"You will be found guilty of murder immediately and then you'll be given the option of facing the death sentence or 'using your skills to fight against the alliance as part of the society'."

He said that last sentence with a hint of sarcasm which I found myself laughing at, I couldn't care less what my reasons are.

"So you'll get through it easy, then I'll take you to the Chalice and train you."

He finished his little explanation, and I digested all the information I had been presented with.

"What happens then, in the Chalice? What's the training?" I asked, as we turned round a corner.

" we're almost at the trial house, I'll explain more once you're out but basically all we do is refine your skill, give you more weapons teach you what we can and let you live there. It's pretty basic, as long as you follow instructions you'll do fine."

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