Chapter 19

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I headed back to the Canteen passing by the arena first, hoping to meet Dan or Tanya to pass time. I stopped for a while when I reached the arena, curious to see the skill of my fellow members. I stood, leaning on the railing, there weren't as many people as there usually was, they were probably in the canteen but there was still a fair number of men and women, throwing knives, hurling each other into the ground and clashing swords. I watched the different fights, intrigued by the different fighting styles before one of the fighter's noticed me. She was a tall woman, she had delicate features but a strong body. She looked young but looks are deceptive here. She stopped her fight by flinging her partner across the hall. Nice.

She made her way over towards me, making her way up the stairs. I turned to meet her as she reached my spot on the railings. She beamed at me, stretching out her hand for me to shake, I returned the gesture eager to pass the time.

"You're the new member right? The one everyone's talking about?"

"Yeah, I guess so, I am new and I don't know of any other new people so I think it's me."

The woman laughed, finding my answer amusing.

"I thought so, I watched your test, and it was amazing. My names Leila, nice to meet you."

"Hi Leila, I'm Aima, the feelings mutual, that was an impressive way to end a match." I gestured towards her partner that was still lying on the floor, probably unconscious.

"I didn't like him, he challenged me and got what he deserved. Would you like to have a match, I want to see how good you are."

She had an eager gleam in her eyes like Neco when I presented him with food. I couldn't turn her down so I agreed and followed her down to an empty mat. We squared off.

We began to circle each other, I looked her up and down looking for any weaknesses. She was strong and muscular but had a slight frame, she had a strong stance but it was slightly lopsided, I could see the top of a purple bruise peeking up from the top of her trousers. I planned out my attack, I would put all my power into a kick at the area where she was bruised then punch her in the face, it would send her off balance then I could finish her. I readied myself to attack when she launched herself at me, she caught me off guard and I only just dodged. She flew past me, skidding to a stop a few feet behind me, I whirled round forgetting all my planning and sent all my force into a kicked which landed on her jaw. She lifted from the ground and was launched to the other side of the mat. I felt my adrenaline kick in, I reached for a knife from my belts to kill her only to find my waist bare. I panicked for a second forgetting I no longer wore them permanently. In my panic I launched myself at Leila, pinning her to the ground, I hit her in the side with my knee, hitting her on the bruise by the groan she let out. She tried to throw me off but I tightened my grip and repeat my blows to her side. Eventually she stop trying to free herself and so did I.

"Give up?" I asked, lifting an eyebrow but not willing to get off of her until I knew I had won.

She let out a sigh before nodded her head reluctantly, I lifted myself up, reaching my hand down to help her up. She hugged her waist tightly but was laughing. The next minute cheer bursts out around us. We both looked up to find a circle of spectators who must have gathered while we were immersed in our fight. They stood cheering then began to disperse. As the crowd thinned I noticed Dan and Tanya watching. Tanya stood grinning at me, obviously pleased by my performance. Dan just stood with a slight smile on his face, I would settle for that. They made their way towards me.

"Well, I see you've met Leila now." Tanya said giving me a big congratulatory hug.

I looked to Leila, surprised that she knew Tanya.

"I didn't know you knew each other."

Leila stood straight now, no longer hugging her waist but instead inspecting the soundness of her jaw. She looked immersed in her task so Tanya answered on her behalf.

"Yeah, we're good friends but she's always away taking really long missions so we never see her."

Leila snapped back to reality, apparently content with the state of her body.

"Tanya, she's amazing. She beat the crap out of me." Tanya and Dan laughed at her reaction, she looked similar to that of a small child who watched an amazing show. Dan stepped forward joining in the conversation.

"I told you she was good, and you saw her test. Why are you surprised?"

She just shook her head and winced. "I think I'll go get this checked out, you landed a pretty good hit on it."

Tanya stepped forward taking Leila's arm.

"I'll come with you" she looked back to Dan and me as she began dragging Leila out of the arena. "I'll take her to the infirmary bye."

After she left, I turned to face Dan and then followed him as we headed back to the railing. We stood watching the people fight for a while before we finally talked.

"So are you wanting to go on your mission just now?"

I turned to Dan, I had forgotten about my mission in the excitement of the fight.

"Are you coming with me?" I felt a little deflated.

"Of course, it's your first mission and I'm your supervisor so I need to go with you, don't worry I'll let you do the work I'm just spectating and 'advising'."

I weighed up the situation before deciding that I would settle with the compromise.

"Yeah sure, will I go get my weapons?"

"Yeah, go get sorted then meet me in the reception, bring your phone, watch, weapons and your mission brief."

I nodded then ran off to my room, dodging past people in the corridors. I got into my room, slamming the door behind me. I went to my weapons and eagerly put them on, the feel of the belts and metal on my skin felt good but equally unfamiliar. I welcomed the coolness of the blades pressing into my back as I crouched by my boots filling them with their appropriate tools. Once I was ready I grabbed my phone and the mission brief and jammed them in my back pocket before slapping the watch onto my wrist. I dashed out the door, locking it then running to the reception. I felt people watching me as I ran by but I was too excited to care. I reached Dan in the reception. He laughed as I ran in.

"You look very happy."

I jumped on my toes to contain my excitement.

"Of course, I finally get to go kill someone again."

I must have shouted a little too loudly for the type one's as many drew me a dirty look. Dan laughed again before leading me to the door. He handed me a gun to which I just stared. He expected me to need a gun? I didn't even bring my own.

"I won't need that. I have my throwing knives."

He sighed then put the gun back behind his jacket.

"Suit yourself but if you need it I've got it, shall we go?" he held the door open for me, I pushed it open further and made my way outside in front of him. I saw him shaking his head as he followed me out then he stood next to a jeep.

"Are we driving?"  I asked, not sure what I expected but still surprised.

"Yeah, we have to search the whole city for this guy, would you rather go by foot."

I shrugged and hopped into the passenger seat as Dan got in the driver's seat.

"Where should we start?" I asked as Dan started up the jeep, we pulled out and headed down some street I didn't know.

"There's an area where most of the homeless stay he's most likely there but most the people there are being hunted by us so they'll run as soon as they see us. Make sure you know his face because he'll move fast."

I pulled out my mission brief and sat, studying the face. Once I had memorized every detail I sat back to try and find my bearings in the city.

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