Chapter 47

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We ended up back in the jeep we had come in and the missing guard sat at the steering wheel. I climbed in the back and Glyn did likewise giving the driver directions as he did so. The jeep hummed as it came to life and we began our way to the outer city. As we passed through I noticed all the well-dressed people staring at us, it reminded me of the first time I had driven up these roads. The journey went by uncomfortably quickly, it felt very anticlimactic and very lonely. We reached the walls of the city and were let through without a second glance, once we were outside the jeep continued until my old area was within walking distance. As we stopped my heart lurched, I looked back at the city which seemed smaller than it had before and my area seemed more desolate than it ever had. I got out of the jeep then and walked forward slightly, I turned back around and saw Glyn had accompanied me.

"If you go far enough in any one direction you'll find one of the other cities."

With that he turned and walked back to the jeep, his words didn't fill me with hope and I figured that he was simply lying to get me out of the city. For all I know there was a city a day's walk away but chances are I would die before I ever found one. The thrumming of the jeep sounded and I watched absentmindedly as it faded into the grey of the walls. When it was well and truly out of sight I turned back to my old home and began wandering the streets. It surprised me that one of the biggest things I noticed was the smell, the entire place stunk of rotting meat and faeces. The cloying smell made me gag slightly but I kept on and head towards the pub.

As I walked through the entrance my heart stopped as I saw Emily sitting on a stool by the bar.  The apparition gave me one of her eerie smiles and jumped down from her seat and walked over to me. She took my hands in hers, spinning me round, I was confused by her appearance although she seemed elated.

"I thought you were stuck in my room at the chalice?"

She stopped and looked at me, "I don't know but I know that about an hour ago I suddenly turned up here."

Emily stepped back slightly studying me, "Your eye isn't working is it?"

Her perception startled me, "How did you know?"

She shrugged her shoulder before grinning again, "Now we match, kind of."

Emily watched my impassive expression and bounced over to me, taking me head in her hands.

"Don't look like that, see now it's just the two of us isn't it great." I tried to smile but couldn't which caused Emily to look at me with an odd expression. "What's wrong, aren't you happy to get to spend time with me."

"I am, but I'm alone now, everyone's gone."

Her expression shifted then from one of worry to something bordering between anger and hurt.

"You're not alone, you have me. What more do you need, it's your fault that everyone's dead anyway. You killed them all!"

She was shouting at me and I was taken aback by the ferocity in her voice, I couldn't refute her words though and I felt myself crying again. I sobbed and fell to the ground, I heard the floor boards creak as Emily crouched down next to me. She put a hand on my shoulder and lifted my head with the other. Her expression had softened now and her voice was sweet and comforting, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout. Come on, you're not alone, I'll always be here for you."

She lowered her head and kissed me lightly on my head, her teeth and jaw were cold against my skin but her lips were warm. As my sobs subsided she helped me to my feet and led me to the bar, handing me a drink as I sat.

"What do you want to do?"

I looked up from my drink as Emily spoke, the question caught me off guard. While we had been talking I had forgotten all about the promise of a new life.

"I was going to look for other cities."

Emily paused before she spoke, "What if there aren't other cities."

"Then I'll die trying to find one."

"Won't you stay here with me?"

I sighed then as I heard the pleading in her voice, "There's nothing here for me. Come with me."

She looked at me thoughtfully, pondering the decision, "What about if I can't leave here like I couldn't leave your room."

Again the conversation gave way to silence before I spoke, "We can try, and if you can't then I guess I'll stay here with you."

Emily's face lit up then and she jumped to her feet grabbing me by my good arm and out the door. I dropped my glass as she did so and it shattered on the floor although I didn't feel any pain as I stood on the shards. My arm didn't seem to hurt anymore and as I was pulled out of the store I realised my stomach didn't hurt but I was cold. Very cold. Once we were out of the pub I was shocked to find that it was night time. It was still light when I went into the pub so how could it suddenly be night time? Emily didn't seem perturbed by the abnormality but instead dragged me to the edge of the area facing away from the city. I noticed in the distance something that resembled a forest.

"I think if it's going to work you have to start going first." I jumped when Emily spoke and I felt dizzy as I stepped forward, I walked for a few steps before I heard Emily shout to me. Turning around I saw her stood a few steps behind me.

"I can't go any further, you have to come back."

I felt so drained and cold that I didn't argue so I started walking back to her. When I was within arms reach Emily reached out and pulled me to her. I could have sworn that I saw her walking towards me but I shook it off as my exhausted mind playing tricks on me.

"It's late, let's sleep in the pub." I nodded meekly as Emily led me back to the pub.

As we sat down next to the bar I noticed on the floor was a trail of blood from where we had come. Panic surged through me and I searched for the source and found it was coming from arm which was covered in blood and the bandage had come undone. I don't know when though but I suddenly realised why I felt so cold and dizzy. Emily noticed my panic and turned to me, "what's the matter?"

I gasped for air as I found it difficult to breathe, "My arm, I have to stop the bleeding."

In a desperate attempt to prolong my life I went to rip off some of my shirt but Emily grabbed my wrist and I looked up at her confused. I moved to quickly and my vision spurted black dots and for a second I saw Emily's lifeless body rather than the one I was used to. She looked at me sternly, "Leave it."

I gawped at her, "What... but if I don't -"

She covered my mouth and I didn't resist, she pulled me over to her, lying me on her chest and stroking my hair. I felt sleep or death pulling at me.

"It's fine, trust me, I'm not going to leave you. I'm already dead it's ok I swear."

I felt tears running down my cheeks but I was too weak to move or do anything. My vision darkened and I began gasping for air.

"Emily, I don't want to die."

She said nothing but continued to stroke my hair, I began to slip away and the room went black but I could still feel Emily stroking my hair. Then I heard her voice in a muted whisper, "Now you're just like me."

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