Chapter 5

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When they arrived I happened to be sitting atop my chair of bodies, eating some variety of chicken I think. I smiled warmly and waved at them as they arrived, they came in a large black jeep, there were two men, and two women. Three of the four were no older than twenty so they weren't that far off my own age and their faces blanched white as they saw me and my master piece; how amusing.

The youngest woman, who was about my age if not younger, was bone white as she gawped at the bodies and then at me, the other woman was equally pale only she kept her mouth shut and eyes steadily on me, but she couldn't hide the shaking in her hands and the disgust in her eyes. The younger man also had a similar reaction, he hid it well though but I could see the fear in his eyes. The oldest man, however, who looked like he was in his late twenties had a twinkle in his eyes, and a small smirk; which I recognised as I often wore it when admiring my work.

Their jeep stopped 10 feet away from me, close enough for me to be able to see the sweat on the younger mans brow. They must be wary of me, of course, but I could tell that only the oldest man was truly unafraid. He hoped down hitting the group with a solid thump and then made his way to the front of the jeep, the other three attempted to do the same... the man stumbled and one woman was forced to lower herself to the ground with the aid of the side of the car. A pathetic display.

"Are you sure you are suited to be part of the society?" I shouted, partially as a joke, partially to assert my dominance over the majority of the group. The fear in the other's eyes increased as they studied me, my small thin body, my large white smile and long blond hair, my soft slightly high pitched voice and my massacred home. Not one of them uttered a word, one looked as if she would faint, I couldn't hold back a small chuckle. They must have got in with connections in the government there's no way someone like them could have made it in on skill alone.

The older man smiled slightly before looking back at the pathetic display being shown by his team, his smile disappeared instantly, he was obviously unaware of their state beforehand.

"She's right! Do you think this is an acceptable state to be in as part of the society?!" he shouted at them, their skin became even paler than before and I feared the youngest woman might actually pass out. The man shook his head; he was strong and muscular but he didn't look brutal or impatient, but like me looks can be deceptive. He looked towards me again.

"Is this all you handiwork?" he asked gesturing to my surroundings, I grinned finally he brought up my skill.

"Mostly mine, some bodies died naturally, and some were killed by the alliance or idiots with no skill, but yes most of it is mine. It took the government a long time to send you out; I was getting impatient as I'm sure you can tell." I said as I gestured at my decorations.

"Very nice work, I'm impressed. And surprised, you don't look like a murdered."

"If I did it wouldn't be as fun, their shock is amusing. Especially when they think I'm friends with them, like her and him." I pointed towards two random bodies lying next to the jeep, I couldn't remember if they had been friendly with me but it didn't matter they weren't there to contradict me. The bodies were near the feet of the wimpy trio or the so called society members.

Finally the reaction I wanted, the youngest girl hurled over the side of the jeep. The bile and vomit splashed back and splattered the clothes of the other two. The oldest man's face turned red with anger and he stormed over to her grabbing her by the scruff of her collar.

"What kind of disgrace was that?! You, you are supposed to be a trained killer, you puny brat!" He looked back at me, I saw a spark of light enter his eyes, and felt the same spark.

"You, mass murderer. You seem skilled. I take it you want to join the society?"

I felt my chest tighten with excitement as I anticipated the following events; I beamed and nodded in response trying to contain my excitement. He turned back to face the girl who was sick.

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