End Note

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Well, hi guys, you made it to the end and I hope that i made it worth your while. This story has been a work in progress for around a year now, even longer if you count in the months that it spent as an idea floating around my head. During the time that I've spent on it, I've been involved in lost of things whether that was the writting of Blank Stars, school exams or other issues. In fact there was many times that I wanted to just leave it, but I would like to give a special thanks to @Queen_Eclipse,

It was thanks to her that I thought no, I'll finish this and I'll make sure it's up for people to see. From now on I think I'll complete my projects first then update at once, like I did with Blank Stars to avoid the horrendous wait between uploads. Throughout the duration of Society my writing skills, in my opinion, have improved significantly, they still have a ways to go but they're getting there. I tried to update early chapters so that the style matched but you might noticed some irregularities in writing style but there shouldn't be anything too major.

Although I have a love for all my projects including Blank Stars and even Water lillies (and an upcoming piece for this years NaNoWriMo) Society holds a special place in my heart for three reason. Firstly, it was the first book that I ever wrote that I put on a public platform for others to read (Whether that's wattpad or simply handing it to my friends). Secondly, it was a project where I got to work with Jenny, although we are friends I enjoyed working with her as my editor and I'm sure she'll be correcting any mistakes in this if she reads it but she really was and is a great help so thanks jenny, @JenniferMurphy9.

Lastly, because of the characters, mainly Aima and Emily. Some of you may have caught on to this or maybe not, but Emily is Aima in a sense, I created her as a mirror image of Aima (Also why I blinded Aima, not just because I'm cruel). I have a lot of opinions on all of the main characters (which in my opinion are; Aima, Neco,Tanya, Shara, Dan and Lucy, I don't consider Leila or Mick mains although they do have fairly big parts.) so I add another chapter focusing solely on both my opinions explanations and so on about the characters.

To finish this self indulgent 'note' I would like to thank everyone who read this far and those who didn't (Although they won't know it) I really enjoyed this and hearing responses and if anyone has ideas for future projects you would like to see please tell me although I won't promise to do them since I only write things i'm interested in but i'll take ideas and work with them.

Kit xx

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