Chapter 39

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I felt my body moving, although it felt odd. It wasn't until my senses came back to me that I realised it was someone else moving me. Thinking I was in danger I lifted my arm to defend myself but pain shot through me, causing me to remember everything that had happened. Recoiling, I clutched at my arm and shot up, opening my eyes and looking at my surroundings. Neco sat next to me, looking both scared and surprised. He reached out an arm and calmed me down, returning me to the floor. As I lay against the cold ground I realised that my vision still hadn't cleared, it should have by now. I lifted my good hand and covered one of my eyes, my vision didn't change at all. Panic fuelled me as I sat back up and covered my other eye and saw nothing.

"Aima, what's wrong?"

My hands began shaking and I felt the eye I hadn't covered, checking that it was open and not just swollen shut but I jumped as I felt my fingers touching my eye. I covered my eye, shaking and could feel tears forming under my hand which caused the vision in my other eye to become even blurrier. Neco came in front of me, looking at me worriedly.

"I can't see out of one of my eyes Neco, I'm blind in my left eye."

My voice was shaky and I dropped my hand not that it made any difference, I could still barely see out of my other eye but I had the feeling that that was due to my crying and the swelling on that side of my face. I felt Neco hugging me and I tried to hug him back but I only had one usable arm and my body still ached. Pulling myself together I repositioned myself using my good arm.

"How long have I been out?"

I closed my eyes as I waited, the fact that I could barely see was lessened like this. Like this I could pretend that I could see when I opened my eyes.

"Only a couple of hours I think, it's just after midnight."

I sighed and lay back slightly, feeling the pain in my stomach at the same time as the cool stone beneath me. As I was lying there I could hear footsteps echoing across the floor.

"Help me up, like standing up."

Pushing on the floor I let Neco help me to my feet. I stumbled slightly and he steadied me as the door opened and I could vaguely make out a person but they were too far away for me to tell who it was.

"Hey, who is it?" I whispered to Neco.

"It's Dan"

I cursed and faced him, "What do you want?"

"Oh how sweet, I just came to give you these?"

I could see him hold something out but it was still unclear what it was.

"Neco, what is it?"

"It's your clothes, stay here I'll get them."

He went to walk away but I stopped him and walked over to the bars, bracing against the pain in my body. I reached my hand out until I found a bar to support myself. Now that I was close enough, I could see Dan's smug face and could make out the bundle of clothes held in front of me. When I had tried to find the bar I realised that my judgement was out so I stopped relying on my sight to find them but rather I just felt for them.

"What's with you?"

By the confused tone of his voice, Dan obviously didn't realise that he had blinded me, well near enough.

"I can't see you bastard, well enough out of one eye to see your ugly face."

"Oh what a shame, but be a bit nicer or I'll make sure that both your eyes match."

I shouted profanities but Neco pulled me back slightly and as he pulled me back I saw Dan lunging forward.

"You shouldn't provoke me when you can't even see when I'm hitting you."

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