Chapter 38

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I walked through the front doors of the chalice, the stark white walls blinding in comparison with the dwindling light outside. Nobody bothered me as I trudged my way through the corridors and into the arena which was bustling with bodies, I felt the warmth reach me from the sweat soaked mats. Walking to the railing I observed the various matches going on, my body slumped over the railing and I let my body finally relax when I spotted a familiar face sitting on the benches beneath me, I shouted down to Neco.


My voice clearly reached him because his head whirled round in search of the strange voice.

"Up here idiot."

He looked up and grinned as he saw me, he pushed himself up and came to join me at the railing.

"How did your mission go?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "So-so, it wasn't too bad. It was murder finding the guy though."

He nodded, there was a moment of silence before an idea sprung to mind.

"Hey, want a match?"

He looked at me, surprised, "You sure, you'll probably beat me pretty easily."

I laughed a little, knowing that he was probably right.

"I'll go easy on you."

He let out a heavy sigh before reluctantly agreeing. We headed down to the sparring mats, luckily there was one free so we quickly ran over to it. Both of us got ready to start although I was obviously more enthusiastic than Neco was. A moment passed then I sprung at him, jabbing at his side, he managed to block me and punched at my side too. I jumped back slightly and grimaced as pain ebbed through my side, Neco looked proud of himself.

"Well done, see you're not that bad."

He laughed meekly before returning to the fight. We began circling each other again, waiting for the other to strike.

"Hey A, do you want to go out somewhere tonight?"

I looked at him about to answer when he ran at me, I blocked him and hit back, catching his ribs.

"What are you thinking of?"

We returned to circling each other, there was a moment of silence then I launched myself at Neco lashing out with my leg and knocking him to the floor. He pushed himself up and stumbled back in place in front of me.

"I was thinking of going out for a meal, the only time you've been out has been that time we got smashed which ended badly. This will be better."

Neco attempted to punch me again but instead I grabbed his arm and pinned him to the ground. He grimaced as I sat on his back, feeling smug.

"Aima, you're crushing me."

I slapped the back of his head and he went to protest but I quickly stopped him.

"Are you calling your girlfriend fat?"

He flushed and simply gave up, resigning himself to being crushed by me.

"But anyway, that sounds fun, what time are you thinking?"

"I'd tell you if you'd get off of me."

Letting out a sigh I stood up and helped pull Neco up to his feet.

"Thank you."

We both laughed slightly before returning to the railings above to discuss our plans.

"So what time are we going out and where?"

"How about we go out at eight and I'll worry about the place since you don't know anywhere around here."

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