Chapter 44

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As we entered the city I felt unease creep into my heart as I never considered the possibility of being shot dead on arrival. The thought of encountering Dan also scared me, especially since he killed Tanya. My fear was overrun by confusion as I saw the jail house and my prison pass us by, instead we head towards the chalice. I looked to Nicholas to see if he had any ideas as to what had happened but when I looked at him his face was blanched white. That didn't help to ease my apprehension. The jeeps stopped outside the Chalice and they pulled Nicholas and me out of the cars and through the front doors of the chalice. We were dragged through the chalice earning the stares and speculations of all the other society members. Most recognised me on site and some seemed to recognise Nicholas too. We passed through the Canteen and Mick happened to see us walking by, through the crowd I also spotted Leila. Both of them watched on with both horror and confusion, probably more due to my injuries than my getting into trouble.

We passed through the canteen and into the dull corridors, we carried on our way until we came out into the base of the black spire. I felt even more confused now as we were crammed into the lift and then the top button was pressed. It began to make sense then, I remember when Dan had shown me around the chalice he had said that the head of the society stayed in the top floor. I now understood Nicholas fear, if the head wanted to see us I doubt that we'd get off easily and I had the feeling that Dan would be present as well. When the lift stopped we were pushed forward and the surly woman opened the door and pushed us through.

Rather than a house this was more like an office and sitting behind a large desk was a wiry looking man and next to him stood Dan. My stomach churned as I saw him standing there smirking at me. The woman walked forward and said something to the man behind the desk and Dan gave her a somewhat quizzical look.

"How did you get injured by her? Or are you going to say Nick did it?"

The woman glared at him before walking back out of the room and leaving us with Dan and the mysterious man. He stood up, showcasing his height and surveyed us. His eyes were cold and grey, his gaze sent a shiver down my spine but he quickly smiled before looking to Nicholas, his smile faltering slightly.

"Well Nicholas, it's been a while since I last seen you."

His voice was as chilling as his gaze, but my discomfort was overrun by my curiosity. I had figured out by now that Nicholas must have been in the society before by the looks of those earlier and Dan's familiarity with him but for him to have met the head was even more confusing.

"Well, you know. Things happen, aren't you going to introduce yourself to your new guest?"

The man laughed slightly before turning back to me.

"I'm very sorry, excuse my rudeness, my name is Glyn Bosler. As I'm sure you've figured out by now I'm the head of the society, Dan here is my direct subordinate."

Dan scowled at that but didn't comment. Glyn once again turned to Nicholas.

"Well Nicholas, it seems we really can't trust you on your own, you know too much and speak too freely. I'll give you two options, firstly you can die or secondly you can re-join the higher ranks of the society. A little higher than you were originally. However, if you choose the latter you have to kill your precious little daughter over there."

Panic shot through me and I watched Nicholas warily, not entirely convinced that he would spare me regardless of our relation. I know I wouldn't in his situation. Dan let out a laugh and I glared at him which only caused him to laugh even louder. Then Nicholas spoke up.

"I'll choose the later."

Rather than panic or surprise I felt contempt welling up from within me. Dan was the first to speak.

"Well A, I can see where you get it from, being cold hearted must run in the family."

He pulled out his gun and handed it to Nicholas but he didn't move away from him, obviously wary of what Nicholas might do with it. Nicholas turned to me and I saw nothing of the man with whom I had been with so far.

Silence filled the room as Nicholas stood opposing me, I could see his finger twitch by the trigger and I had no illusions as to whether he would really shoot or not. Before he could do anything Glyn spoke up, distracting us both.

"Before you die Aima, how about some last words or any last requests."

A thousand insults crossed my mind and I was ready to spout them all when I thought of Neco and panic once again surged through me but not for myself.

"Where's Neco?"

Both Dan and Nicholas seemed slightly surprised by my question but Glyn just smiled and motioned to Dan. He stepped forward and his surprise turned into a mocking smile.

"Well, right now he's in an interrogation cell, in about twenty minutes he'll be in a morgue."

"What! Why? You know he had nothing to do with this. Let him go!"

Dan let out a loud booming laugh at my outburst which seemed to annoy Glyn slightly but it didn't show through his smiling face.

"But he does A, he's your little boyfriend he has everything to do with this. Plus he annoys me."

"You can't do that, you wouldn't. You Can't!"

I was screaming now and I could feel tears running down my face, Nicholas seemed thrown by my outburst but Dan simply laugh then reached past Glyn as he brought something onto the computer which sat in front of them. A moment passed before he turned the computer screen towards me and I saw Neco sitting in a chair, there was no sound but I could see him shouting. Then there was a flash, I stood staring at the screen as I saw Neco fall from the chair. Dan checked his watch then shrugged his shoulder, he muttered something but I couldn't hear anything, all I saw was Neco lying on the floor and the afterimage from the flash. Around me people were moving but I couldn't pull myself away from the screen then I was brought back as I heard the click of a gun being readied to fire.

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