1.13 chapter thirteen

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CHAPTER THIRTEENTRUTH HURTS"you wish you never ever met her at all"˚✧₊⁎*⁎⁺˳✧༚

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"you wish you never
ever met her at all"

What's the difference between gossip and scandal?
So glad you asked, ues forever.
Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion
And generate a day's worth of buzz,
But in order for gossip to birth a true scandal,
It requires the right person to be in the wrong place.
Take one "it" girl on a pedestal. Which one do you recommend?
Add a crowd eager to see her fall
And give them the means to knock her down.

And for a scandal to really blow up, All it needs is an unexpected turn.


Amelia was brushing her teeth in her crammed bathroom when she read the gossip girl blast.

She hurled over to spit the toothpaste from her mouth, wide eyes scanning the screen of her phone over and over again till she was sure she wasn't hallucinating. "Oh my—" she quickly put her toothbrush away before speed dialing Dan. And what do you know, it went straight to voicemail. The brunette effective immediately began pacing across the small space of her 'living room'. Oh god, I'm not ready to become an aunt, Amelia thought as she began to completely freak out. She tried Dan's phone again, and then again, and then again. The result remained the same; no reply.

     The girl hurried into her uniform before rushing out of the front door, throwing her bag over her shoulder as she stormed out of the building. All the whilst shooting Dan about fifty text messages. Amelia didn't really mind children all that much, but at the mere age of seventeen, she was under no circumstances ready to help Dan and Serena raise their freaking love child. Okay, so maybe the Hopper girl was jumping to conclusions. Maybe Gossip Girl had her facts wrong. It wouldn't have been the first time she advertised false news. The brunette simply had to keep her cool until she had talked to Dan personally. It was easier said than done, especially considering that Dan for once in his life had his phone on mute. Amelia made a mental note of giving him a slapping for leaving her hanging like that.

The second she got off the bus infront of the school Amelia ran. She weaved swiftly through the sea of students scattered across the school yard, eyes peeled for the dark haired Humphrey. Relief washed over her the second she spotted him. Amelia stormed over, practically pouncing him the second she reached him. "Amelia— ouch!" Dan exclaimed after Amelia smacked his shoulder aggressively. "What was that for?"

     "What was that for?!" The girl exclaimed, waving her phone in his face. "You haven't answered any of my calls!" The girl angrily said.

DOIN' TIME→ n. archibald [1] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now