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hello my lovely readers,

so here is the new chapter.

what's your current favorite song?



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Veer Pov: -

Exhaling a sigh of relief, I lean back in my chair as the day's work finally comes to an end. But then, my landline rings, disrupting the tranquility. "What?" I snap at the person on the other end. "Good evening, Mr. Singhania. A young lady named Inayat claims to be a family member..." I cut them off mid-sentence, "Send her directly to my cabin. And make sure everyone in the office knows she is Mrs. Singhania. I don't want anyone addressing her by her first name." With that, I hang up, puzzled about what brings Inayat here.

I had asked her to call me when she was free. Checking my phone, I find no missed calls. Just then, a knock sounds at my door. Rising from my chair, I open the door myself. "Inayat, what brings you here?" I ask, gesturing for her to sit on the sofa across from me. "Meera Aunty asked me to collect some dresses from the boutique since everyone will be busy tomorrow," she explains. "Oh okay, we can leave now since I'm done with my work too. But why didn't you call me?" I ask while packing up my things. "I didn't have your number and didn't want to ask someone else," she admits. Internally facepalming at my oversight, I ask for her phone and enter my number. Her smile in response brightens up my day instantly. "Let's go," I say, and we head towards the parking lot.

As I open the car door for Inayat, she looks at me with a confused expression. "What's wrong?" I ask. "You didn't come in this car this morning," she observes accurately. "Well yes, cupcake, you're right. Mahir had some errands to run so he took my car and came here in my G-Wagon," I explain as we settle into our seats and ensure our seatbelts are fastened.

Before I can start the G-Wagon, Inayat interrupts me with a request to open the window. "Are you feeling hot? The AC is on!" I exclaim in surprise. "No, it's not that. It's been a dream of mine to sit in this car and hear its exhaust sound," she confesses while avoiding eye contact with me. A laugh escapes me at her admission and she looks at me as if I've grown two horns on my head. "What?" I ask as she reaches out to touch my cheek before quickly withdrawing her hand and looking down bashfully. "I've never seen you laugh before...and you have dimples," she comments shyly, making me realize that it's been ages since I last laughed.

My laughter had died with her absence but now that she's here beside me again, alive and well, it has been revived. As I open the window and start the car, her eyes widen at the vibrations and we share an intense eye contact moment - like an ocean meeting land.

 As I open the window and start the car, her eyes widen at the vibrations and we share an intense eye contact moment - like an ocean meeting land

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Inayat pov: -

After collecting the dresses, we return to the mansion. As we step inside, Veer unexpectedly takes my hand, offering me a comforting smile. The lobby is bustling with people, including two unfamiliar faces.

"Inayat beta, come," Meera Aunty beckons. I attempt to release Veer's hand, but he only tightens his grip. We approach her together. "Inayat beta, meet Veer's Bua, Anjali and her daughter Sana," she introduces. I greet them with a respectful "Namaste," and move to touch Anjali Aunty's feet in a traditional gesture of respect. But she halts me mid-motion.

"Is this the girl you've chosen for Veer?" she scrutinizes me from head to toe. I feel uncomfortable under her intense gaze and lower my eyes, my grip on Veer's hand involuntarily tightening. "My Sana is prettier and more modern than her. She's an orphan; you don't even know who her parents are. I know girls like her; they're nothing more than gold diggers," she comments disdainfully. A tear escapes my eye at her harsh words. "Anjali!" Vanraj Uncle reprimands.

"ENOUGH!" Veer interjects forcefully. "No one has the right to speak to Inayat like this. No one chose Inayat for me; it's my decision to marry her. My Inayat is not available in your petty matrimonial market for comparison with other girls. No one can take her place, and no one ever will. If you want to stay in this house, you'd better stay away from Inayat. I don't want either of you near her." With that, he leads me away.

Once we're in my room, he finally releases my hand. "Inayat," he says softly. "I'll freshen up," I reply, avoiding his gaze. "Inayat, look at me," he insists, cupping my face gently. I meet his eyes and whisper a plea, "Please." He sighs and nods in understanding.

As soon as he leaves the room, I close the door behind him and slide down onto the floor, allowing my tears to flow freely.

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door that startles me out of my sorrowful reverie. It's Veer again; he forgot his phone on the table. As he picks it up, our eyes meet - his filled with concern and mine still glistening with tears. The tension in the room is palpable as we both struggle with our emotions - him with his protective instincts and me with my vulnerability.

For a moment, we just stand there, lost in each other's eyes. Then, Veer breaks the silence. "Inayat," he begins, his voice barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry for what happened downstairs. You don't deserve to be treated like that." I nod, appreciating his support but unable to find the words to express it.

He hesitates for a moment before continuing, "If you ever need someone to talk to, remember that I'm here for you." His words are sincere and comforting, offering me a glimmer of hope amidst the turmoil.

As he turns to leave, I find my voice. "Veer," I call out softly. He pauses and looks back at me, a question in his eyes. Gathering my courage, I say, "Thank you...for standing up for me." He smiles gently and nods before exiting the room.

Once alone again, I let myself sink into the comfort of my bed. The events of the day replay in my mind - the confrontation with Anjali Aunty, Veer's defense, and our conversation just now. Despite the emotional upheaval, I can't help but feel a sense of warmth spreading through me. Veer's support means more to me than he could possibly know.

As sleep finally claims me, I clutch onto that warmth, allowing it to soothe my troubled thoughts and lull me into a peaceful slumber.


well this update was short as I got to do a lot of assignments. but I'll try to post more updates.

do you want more of Anjali and Sana? well I'm more engaged in writing the engagement part right now if you think we can add a little bit more spice by adding Anjali and Sana's scene make sure to comment.

and please vote on story and also follow my Insta for upcoming updates and schedules about the book and also some spoilers.

see you soon,


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