Chapter 1

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"Yeah?", the door opened to reveal a red faced, hiccupping man -obviously drunk, "You wanna foster a kid?"

"I do. And I understand I can adopt through your orphanage as well? My wife and I have been trying for so many years, but..."

Loid Forger. Psychiatrist. And spy.

"Yeah, whatever. Just take whichever one you want." the man grunted, uninterested in another sob story.

"Uh..." Loid sweatdropped.

"Come on in." The man stomped through the hallway.

A few scrawny looking kids stared up at the spy as he strode past. "Who's that guy?"

"..." What a dump.

But an orphanage is unlikely to have good records concerning the provenance of its children. That could make it all the easier to fabricate a new family history

"I got my snot on him!" A little kid jeered. Another laughed at that. Loid pointedly ignored them but not without a silent complaint of I hate kids.

The mission is to establish a family...

...But I should be able to manage with just the child for now.

Of course, I'd prefer to the entire mission solo...

But even for Westalis's greatest spy impersonating a child would be a tall order.

"Oh -ideally I'd like a child who can already read and write." he told the manager.

"Yeah? In that case...

Anya, Kei get over here!"

... A pair of little girls approached. The little pink haired one held a little stuffed animal in her hands. Her jade eyes looked up with barely contained curiosity.

At her shoulder, a steely eyed girl looking on with unhappy hostility at the manager. She also had the same pink hair, albeit a darker shade.

"These are the smartest ones we've got. They don't say much but... they are good kids." Creepy little pinky with the green eyes weirds me out. And I'mma pretty sure the other mute one is out for me. He shuddered. This is my chance to get them outta here.

"Ahh... Perhaps not." You have to be at least six to enroll at Eden Academy. They look too young. Five at oldest... And I only need one anyways.

"Six!" the jade eyed girl burst out. The other one next to her simply rolled her eyes.


"Anya six!" Anya repeated and in an afterthought, "Kei six too!" The girl dubbed Kei simply exhaled at that. Idiot, you couldn't have been more obvious.

Anya rose to her toes trying to appear as tall as she could. Then, with a dash she scrambled towards a newspaper lying on the table, flipping to the very back page.

The crossword puzzle? That might be a little tough for you. It's child's play for me, of course. One down is :homeostasis." One across is "causal closure," and below that is "symplectomorphism"... Loid mused to himself as Anya scribbled away.


You finished it? Seriously?! This is a stunning level of intellect! This girl should be able to ace the entrance exam!

At that, Kei let out a snort of amusement. Intellect? Pfft.

"I'll take this one!"

"And the other one too? They're sisters," the manager gestured at Kei hopefully. He was not in the mood to be murdered in his sleep any time soon.

"Sure, sure," Loid glanced at Kei dismissively, "Now, about the paper-work..."

Because no one will ever look at you

"Don't worry about it. Just take them and get outta here." The manager frantically waved them away, lest the spy changed his mind.

Child -or rather, children- acquired. Mission accomplished. Suddenly, I'm worried that everything is going too smoothly.

"Is this okay with the two of you?" Loid asked, fixing his eyes on the girls. Kei looked away without a word. She twisted her fingers to subtly sign to Anya, the man better not let them down. Loid takes note of it. So... the gray eyed one is mute, huh?

At that, Kei glared mutinously at Loid. She had not meant for him to find out.

Always failing

Meanwhile, Anya was experiencing an entirely different spectrum of emotions.

Spy... Mission... S O C O O L ! ! !

She furiously nodded, her eyes shining with admiration.

Unbeknownst to Loid, he had adopted a pair of telepaths.

Test subject 007. and 004.

They possessed the ability to read minds. Made by accident, an unintended consequence of research experiments conducted by a certain organization. The sisters had later escaped from their facility.

The older twin. The mute one with the gray eyes had gone first. Her power was not complete.

Limited. Just like everything about me.

Then, the second one, the younger one, was experimented on as well. They perfected it... through sheer accident.

They then moved from institution to institution seeking someone to take care of them.

Never finding home

"Listen up, girls."

"It's Anya!" the cherry blossom haired girl exclaimed.


"And Kei!" Anya took it upon herself to introduce her sister for obvious reasons.

"Listen up, Anya and Kei.

You'll be my children from now on. But as far as everyone else is concerned, you have always been my children. Is that clear?"


A nod.

"You are to address me as 'father'" as the elite do.


Kei simply wiggled her fingers in acknowledgement.

"Very well then." He resigned himself to it.

"What an adorable pair of young ladies." A kindly looking granny commended as the newly named Forger family made their way through the hall leading to their new home.

"We're the forgers. We just moved in today." Loid smiled pleasantly; a contrast to the previously severe looking Loid... or the 'mean' Loid as Kei would later refer to him as.

"I'm Anya," the girl introduced herself cheerfully, "And I have always been Papa's child."

Kei groaned inwardly. Idiot.

You don't say that part! The startled spy berated silently (of course, Anya couldn't hear... or could she?). He kept a placid face on the outside.

"Er..." the granny looked out in confusion

"Let's go to our apartment." Loid quickly intervened.

A/n: I hope you are enjoying it so far! Feel free to comment and votes are always, of course, welcomed. :)

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