Chapter 16

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Her normally silky black locks in a messy tangle, Yor stumbled out of her bedroom, tiredly rubbing her eyes. "Good morning..." She mumbled.

"Good morning, Yor. I made breakfast." Loid, looking as impeccable as ever, smiled cheerfully in his casual dress. He held out a still-warm plate of toast and omelet, along with a side of vegetables. Kei scowled at a broccoli with distaste, stabbing into the horrendous green... thing vengefully. Her feet dangled from her seat, her head just barely reaching over the table. Kei rather did not enjoy being short at times.

"Is Anya still not up?" Loid asked, a little worriedly, his brows drawn together. Little by little, it seems the four of us are getting used to living together.

Kei shrugged, narrowing her eyes grumpily. She was definitely not a morning child.

Loid's eyes finally caught on a tuft of pale pink. Is she still worried about what happened? Anya refused to meet his gaze, lingering still by the doorway, fitted in her starry blue pajamas, a nightcap tugged over her head. Kei distractedly ate her breakfast, somewhat surprised at Anya's unusually despondent mood.

"Come on out. I promise I won't get mad." Loid coaxed, keeping his tone soothing. "You need to hurry up and eat or you'll be late for school."

Anya wordlessly trudged towards the table, still unable to meet the spy's eyes. Kei raised an eyebrow. She supposed her sister hadn't taken the whole tonitrus bolt thing too well.

Finally, at the table, Anya spoke dejectedly, her face shadowed with gloom. "I'm sorry I'm so bad at school."

Kei snorted, before smoothening her features in an attempt to seem a little comforting. Though she likely failed. Silly. School isn't something to do. It's a place.

"No.. It was all my fault." Yor jutted in, unhappiness apparent on her face. The dark mood only intensified.

Loid sighed. "What's done is done. And now you know to be more careful about getting into fights." He paused, before forcing his tone to lighten. "So cheer up! It's your first day of school!"

Anya nodded and the family returned to their breakfast. Loid munched conspiratorially at his food. It's always more productive to focus on future plans than on mistakes of the past. He wouldn't want his girls to hate school, anyhow. And Kei would no doubt support whatever tantrums Anya might put up in such a case. Sometimes, the spy wondered at the girls' relationship. Kei could be as rude or cynical to her sister as she was to anyone, but also terrifyingly protective at times. That is, unless the lazy genius decided it was too much of a bother.

Loid hummed a bit to himself, standing up as plates were cleared away from the table. He grabbed a mysterious package and promptly placed it down in front of Kei.

"What's this?" Kei warily eyed the large, lumpy, and misshapen package unceremoniously dumped on the Forger's dining table.

"It's a gift." Loid intoned. "Open it."

Kei briefly considered sticking out her tongue and denying the present, but decided that would be childish, not to mention petty. She was curious, anyway. The girl reached for the item.

She carefully began unwrapping the colorfully covered object, being extra sure to block out any pesky inner thoughts that might ruin the surprise. Because, honestly, Loid was not very good at hiding his thoughts. Though Kei supposed, with some amusement, that the spy likely hadn't been trained to deal with a pair of telepaths.

There were a little too many unicorns on the wrapping paper for her taste but she kept from tearing it. She'd been taught not to waste. A little part of her ached at the reminder of a precious someone.

𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 // 𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐱 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now