Chapter 10

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The horde of animals thundered towards the family, and for a moment Kei was absolutely petrified.

It brought back bad memories.

Loid grimaced as he flinched away from the approaching herd. This is going too far, Eden Academy!

Far ahead of them, people desperately ran away, their screams echoing across the path. As panic driven as they were, the people reacted the way most humans would; every man for themselves.

Each for their own, they pushed and shoved and ran. "Hey! Don't push me!" The man growled, stumbling.

"Shut up!" The other returned sharply.

"Hurry, you idiot!" A lady barked at another.

"Mommy! Mommy!" A little kid cried out.

Loid swept both Anya and Kei up in his arms before running. His thoughts were as frantic as the rest as he tried to decipher the events. Are they trying to see how we'll react in an emergency? If we panic, we'll play right into their hands!

Aloud, Loid spoke up, "Stay in formation D, no matter what! We need to handle these animals with grace!"

Kei frowned as she held on to Loid's sleeve. I don't think this is a test... She was now very, very concerned for this school. There was something obviously wrong with Eden Academy if they allowed such a thing to happen. What about safety? They expect to do this without getting sued? Yeah, no. This is an actual accident.

As Kei came to this conclusion, the interviewers by the windows huddled together. The housemaster breathed out in terror. "By Jove..." He then turned around, asking the dreaded question. "Whose insane idea was this???!!"

"Wait... it wasn't yours?" A man in a striped suit gasped out.

"WHAT?!" The housemaster began to sweat. Oh no. Is this... AN ACTUAL CRISIS?

"Put a stop to this before any of them get hurt! There are legitimate V.I.P. 's among the applicants!" He frantically gestured sending the interviewers running.

Back in the stampede, two men argued. "Outta my way! I'm the number 2 at the ministry of finance!"

"So what?! I run the central bank!" The bald man shouted back, continuing to run.

Behind them, a boy tripped with a loud w ha m.

"Oof!" The young boy tried to get up as a ferocious cow came running straight towards him. "F-father, wait!!!"

Just as the cow was about to run the boy over, Loid jumped between, sweeping the boy into his arms and running.

Kei jostled, having been shoved into Yor's arms as Loid leapt into the scene.

A loud sound could be heard as the raggedy end of Loid's suit ripped apart. He ignored it, gently setting the sobbing boy down. "Are you okay?"

"That was incredible!" A nearby man praised, rushing towards them.

Yor, who was juggling both Anya and Kei interrupted. "Loid! Anya's getting sick again!"

Kei whipped her head around. Sure enough, there was Anya, looking very faint and very dizzy.

"It must be her fear of crowds..." Loid grimly spoke. Then, gritting his teeth, he tried to think. I've had it up to here with these tests! This is ridiculous.

His eyes landed on the charging bull at the very front. That one. That's the one leading the stampede. I need to bring it down!

He hesitantly glanced at his suitcase. I have my gun, but...

𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 // 𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐱 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now