Chapter 12

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"Describe Kei for us." Mr. Evan pleasantly instructed, as he flipped through the completed exam.

She'd gotten a perfect score. Again. Even Swan seemed a little impressed. The last question was noticeably left unmarked however.

Kei did the calculations. And then she realized. That had been question number two hundred and one. Meaning that it wasn't really part of the test.

Or perhaps it was.

Loid opened his mouth.

The door opened at the same moment.

"Housemaster Henderson? You asked for me?" A soft feminine voice called out. Kei turned as she stepped into the light. Kei tilted her head, her eyes immediately falling upon the badge on the girl's cloak. Hm?

A bell distantly rang in the back of Kei's mind... she remembered something. Something about the badge... oh well.

Kei studied the teen from behind her curtain of rosy curls.

The girl's features were sharp and rather delicate, olive skin contrasting sharply against deep wavy violet hair, her eyes were dark, and Kei noticed that she was very pretty. She hardly wore any makeup but there was something very appealing about her. She was tall. And older than Kei.

But Kei could tell the teen was a student. She was wearing a uniform.

Next to her, Loid choked on his saliva, having recognized the student. Lana Swan?!

Henderson brightened. "Lana, my girl!" Mr. Evan also smiled jovially. However, meanwhile, the third man, Swan, seemed quite frozen in place, his face pale.

No one paid him any mind.

"I heard you needed me to translate?" The student carefully asked.

"Ah yes. Quite so. This, here, is Kei; one of the applicants for our school. Unfortunately she's mute and we're in need of your skills." Mr. Evan spoke, his tone turning more patronizing towards the end.

Kei frowned. She didn't like that.

Lana gave a nod and gracefully slipped her way next to Kei. She turned to the said girl with a soft smile. Her fingers twisted. And to Kei's amazement, Lana started to speak in that silent language even Anya had never bothered to learn to execute.


Kei smiled back shyly. "Hello."

Lana smiled in a kindly way. There was something very honest about her. "Are you nervous?"

Kei replied back truthfully. "Only a little."

"My name is Lana Swan. You're Kei right?"

Kei nodded shortly. Then, as a curious afterthought, "You're related to Mr. Swan?"

Lana glanced at the said man, who was still sitting in place, seemingly in shock, "Unfortunately."

Kei snickered at that.

Meanwhile, Loid was addressing the three interviewers. "Kei is a very bright girl. She's smart and logical. And I find her courage admirable as well." Courage? Kei tilted her head. Now that's interesting.

The last thing Kei'd ever considered herself was courageous. To be honest, she'd always believed bravery to be a trait only a fool would possess. A good dose of fear was always healthy, in her opinion.

Loid continued. "She rarely falters in the face of something. Even in the most chaotic of situations, Kei can be depended upon to stay calm. And I admire that."

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