Chapter 6

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Silence is all that can be heard in the room as all four occupants take in the sight.




"No. This won't do." Loid finally told the dressed up man. He was wearing makeup and wore a dress, complete with jewelry. But no amount of clothing and accessories could make him look like anything less than a silly clown.

"I don't want this mama." Anya agreed for once with Loid.

Kei also nodded, continuing to glare at the stranger Loid called "Franky".

"I don't think you can pull off the mother role, Franky." the spy explained. Though I've met women who look worse...

Franky points to himself with an indignant squawk. "With all your talent for disguise, this is the best you could come up with? Really?! There's only so much I can do with that body type."

Kei watches Franky's temper tantrum for another moment before turning to see Loid's reaction. He has his eyes closed and his thoughts were tumbling in a rush.

This is Operation Strix. My code name is Twilight. As a spy from a Westalis intelligence agency, I was assigned this top secret mission. The goal is to avert war being engineered by Ostanian political leader Donovan Desmond. We managed to pass the entrance exam needed to work our way into Ostania's elite Eden Academy... But we failed to anticipate that both parents would be required to attend the mandatory follow-up interview.

And then, his eyes open once again as he reaches a decision, exhaling a puff of air. "There's no way around it, then. I'll go find a wife."

"Did you find a mama?" Several days had passed since Loid decided to begin a search for his wife and already, Anya had asked this question at least a hundred times.

"Not yet. This isn't easy." He had replied back all hundred times.

And of course as usual, Anya would disappointedly ask, scrunching up her face, "Scruffy head's gonna be our mama?"

Kei shook her head at Anya's antics. Scruffy head was the nickname she had come up with for Franky.

And speaking of the devil... there he came. Franky kicked opened the door with a loud bang and strutted in, an armful of papers stacked on his hand.

"So you need a woman who's refined enough for Eden Academy... who doesn't care you're divorced with a kid... and who's willing to get married within 48 hours?" He placed the papers down rather aggressively.

"If such a goddess exists, I'd sure love to meet her.... I copied all the files of unmarried women from city hall." Franky continued.

"Scruffy!" Anya looked at Franky in delight.

"That's a big help." Loid noted, as he shuffled through the papers.

"Meanwhile, I have no standards whatsoever, and I can't even get a single date!" Scruff- no, Franky, Kei corrected herself, complained loudly.

"That's pathetic." Kei nodded in agreement.

"Don't call me pathetic!"

"But you are." Kei signed back. Franky gave a cry of outrage and betrayal.

"Is having a kid... bad?" Anya's soft voice caused everyone to fall silent. "Am I... is Kei and I the ones keeping the mamas away?" Anya peeked over the side of the sofa questioningly.

Kei did not know what to say. Because she knew that a single father with two kids were not a very appealing marriage prospect to most.

Loid patted Anya's head. "There's nothing wrong with you. This is about getting you into school. You go and watch TV and don't worry about it, okay?"

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