Chapter 14

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The Forger family was, once more, at the tailor's. This time, to buy two particular pink haired sisters their very own Eden Academy uniforms.

Kei waited quietly as the lady took their measurements... her fingers itched to grab a book but she forced herself to remain still.

"Ninety-nine and... a half!" The woman declared cheerfully to Anya before unrolling a tape against the girl's outstretched arms.

Anya gasped. "I grew two millimeters bigger! Just since last time!"

"Probably a rounding error." Loid idly commented, as cynical as usual.

"Don't be so sure. Kids grow fast at this age!" The woman smiled, her lined face kind and genuine.

Yor nodded along peaceably. "That's true. My brother sure did."

Kei tilted her head. She didn't realize Yor had a brother. Well, there was a lot of things she didn't know about Yor after all.

"Then let's get that uniform with a little extra room." Loid reasoned.

The said uniform was an elegant, knee-length black dress with a square neckline. There were pretty gold accents embroidered along the edges and of its sleeves. Stitches ran down its sides and a red ribbon was tucked by the collar as well as the golden emblem of Eden Academy.

It was a little too fancy for Kei's taste —she would have much rather worn a comfortable hoodie— but she didn't resent it. It could have been worse, she thought to herself.

She refused to wear the matching hat though.

"I still can't believe you're married now, Yor!" The tailor continued to speak, "Why didn't you say anything the last time you were here?"

Yor began to panic visibly. "The last time... right. I'm so sorry!"

The woman tutted. "And to think both your daughters are attending the prestigious Eden Academy... your husband must be an Eden alumnus, then?" She further enquired, curiously.

Loid spoke politely. "Me? No, I went to a third-rate rural school."

Truth. Kei identified. She lazily wondered how he had come to become a spy. From what she knew of Loid, he'd been an orphan like herself and Anya. She didn't know much more than that though.

"In that case, be careful." The lady's expression darkened as she cautioned, "There's something of a gulf between the alumni families and the first generation ones. I hear it can even lead to bullying and discrimination among students. Plus, there's the hazing from the honor students, conflict between the room kids and the commuters... I hear all sorts of things."

Kei withheld a snort. Perhaps what she was saying was true, but Kei thought it was a little bit dramatic of her. Rumors were never a dependable source —they tended to exaggerate.

The woman sighed, shaking her head. "And those commuter students— apparently they get kidnapped all the time! After all, everyone knows that only wealthy families can afford Eden."

The other occupants of the room sweatdropped.

And Anya? Well... she absolutely freaked out. Her terror was obvious. Tearfully, she whined out pathetically, trembling in fear. "I don't want to go to Eden Academy anymore!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, dear. I didn't mean to scare you. It'll be okay. There're lots of wonderful things about Eden too!" The woman kindly reassured.

Anya did not look reassured in the slightest. Kei sighed heavily. She sent a glare towards the woman. Now look at what you've started.

𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 // 𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐱 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now