Excerpt #3

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Warning: Some minor cursing... Murdoch Swan is a foul man. This is my revenge. 😃


"Those fuckers." The red-faced man grumbled to himself, beady eyes bulging as he wiped sweat off his forehead. He was leaning against the wall, only all too relieved to get away from the satanic children he'd been undeservingly punished with.

Master Swan. He snorted. What a disgrace. Someone like him! Reduced to this embarrassment; teaching a group of "hopeless" for who knows god damn what. Those ten year olds could rot in hell for all he cared.

Murdoch Swan was a respected man —he was the freaking (former) headmaster's son! And he was not used to the disrespect he found within those classroom walls.

The nicknamed "hopeless" was a class well-renowned in the campus. Most teachers prayed for whatever poor soul condemned to that particular group.

Murdoch had often scoffed at that, those cowardly insults to Eden's elite. But now with his own hands full, mister Swan was very tempted to pass out many a Tonitrus bolt (or two... or three... or...)

But no, of course these students had to be one of those. The headmaster wouldn't dare touch them, what with their family's pretty reputation and all. Apparently one student's family, Kennedy, he believed, had "donated" a generous sum of over thirty million dalcs to ensure their son passed the entrance exam. And they hadn't even bat an eye. They just handed over the check as if it were nothing.

The Kennedys weren't of the elite. Hell, they weren't even alumni. But they were filthy, rotten rich. And that was enough.

Murdoch Swan sighed, knowing that if he didn't go back soon the ten year olds would find some form of trouble to get up to. Dread filled him from the inside. Giving a longing glance towards the window (and freedom), he trekked his way back into the classroom.

If only that damned niece of his hadn't fucking tattletaled to the old man.

If only the old man wasn't so soft.

If only Lana Swan hadn't existed.

If only his bitchy wife hadn't divorced him and taken his own fucking daughter

Then he wouldn't be stuck dealing with those little pieces of shits.

(You deserve it. And you know it.)


Meanwhile, back in the classroom

"Hey, guys, what's the answer to number three?" A boy called out boldly, his blue eyes gleaming with mischief. His name was Liam Kennedy.

"It's fifty-eight degrees, dumbass." A frizzy haired girl snickered back. Brynn Fox.

"Cheating is not acceptable in an elite school such as Eden Academy." Another girl stiffly murmured out, her eyes intent on her paper. Elizabeth Stone.

"Relax, Liz, the asshole isn't here." Liam snorted. "We scared him away."

Several students stifled giggles at that. Another blond haired girl, Laila, piped up. "D'ya know what number fourteen is?"

"It's Nortica. The one near Ostania." The girl dubbed Liz brushed periwinkle blue strands out of her eyes, as she responded coolly.

Brynn smirked. "There ya go."

"I am only ensuring that, as a fellow student, no one fails." Liz sharply responded.

Liam smiled slyly. "You sure about that?"

"That you'd likely be failing this class if it weren't for your questionable... methods? Yes, I am quite sure." This time the blue haired girl stared at the other boy in the eyes, making sure he understood what she was hinting at.

"Ouch. That hurts." Liam whined, despite his blatant grin. It wasn't often that he got a rise out of his uptight classmate.

"There, there." Brynn mockingly patted his back. "I know you're in love but you don't have to be this pathetic."

Liam squawked in betrayal. "What's with all this sudden disloyalty?"

Brynn didn't even hesitate. "Who's to say I was ever loyal in the first place?"

"Damn." Laila whistled lowly. ((lol I can't whistle at all 😭))

Within seconds the children were loudly chattering away amongst themselves, sharing answers to the test they were supposed to be taking.

"He's back!" At that cry of alarm, dead silence descended. Heads pulled downward, pencils scribbled and doodled away as the door slammed open.

A depressed looking mister Swan came trudging in, his feet dragging. His eyes swept across the class, lingering on some better known to cause trouble.

The students all innocently stared back at him, wearing deceivingly angelic smiles. That's when Swan knew. They'd done something.

"Well? What are you staring at me for? Get back to your tests." He grunted, making his way towards the board.

As he stood in front of it, barely suppressed chuckles reached him. Swan scowled. "What's wrong?"

The students remained in stifling silence, eyes darting between one another and then back to the board. Angrily, Swan turned to see what they were looking at.

On the board was a badly drawn image of an immensely fat pig, large arrows labeling it as "Swan". More words popped into existence on the board.

Murdoch Swan is a cruel, ugly swine who takes pleasure in making little girls cry and couldn't make his wife stay. —Courtesy of a pinkette

It vanished as quickly as it had appeared.


In the entirety of Eden Academy, there were currently exactly two little girls with pink hair.

(Though once upon a time, there had been a sweet little girl with pink hair and the loveliest jade eyes...)

Kei smiled smugly to herself. This is payback for Anya, she thought to herself vehemently.

She would make sure to thank Lana later. She had been very helpful indeed...


A/n: This chapter is not canon! I made it myself. Pretty proud actually :))) It skips a little bit to the future but I thought I'd post it anyways. I know it's ANOTHER excerpt but I promise, I'll post something more... soon... hopefully...

Also, for the first part I've been mainly sticking to the manga (literally word for word —I'm sorry!) but this is where it probs gonna split off a bit. And I'm introducing new characters. I mean, Kei isn't that socially stunted... right??? 😭😭😭

I'm thinking of getting Kei to learn an instrument (I mean, she really wants to 👀) but idk. I want her to learn the clarinet CAUSE ITS THE BEST INSTRUMENT -JOKING! (But it's seriously the only one I know well enough to write about) But like, I feel like cello or violin might be suited for her too... any requests?

Well, anyways, in the meantime, enjoy Kei's vengeance....:..

sorry... one more thing... I will definitely edit this thing's shit out sometime in the future... once I maybe finish??? 🤔 but like yeah. Sorry if it's making you cringe.

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