Chapter 8

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"Wow." Loid breathed out softly, his features relaxing already.

Yor smiled softly as Anya's eyes sparkled.

The family were hanging over a platform overlooking a lovely view of the city streets. Fancy many-windowed buildings peeked out from behind lush green trees.

It was a nice view, Kei reflected, her book hanging limply in her hands for once, as she gazed down from her seat on the railing. A slightly dizzying feeling of exhilaration buzzed through her as her feet dangled. It was very, very high up.

Kei wondered for a moment if she'd break any bones if she fell. Probably.

Yet, she remained.

Anya commented idly, "The people look like trash from up here."

Loid immediately bristled. "Where'd you learn that?!"

After a moment he said, "I had no idea such a park existed outside of town."

Kei snorted quietly at that. Liar. She was quite sure Loid knew already. He was a spy.

"I don't come here myself. But sometimes I wander over when I'm exhausted from my job..." Yor trailed off. She then continued eagerly, "When I remember that what I want to do is helping all these people, it makes me think, 'Let's get back to work!'"

Kei thought that was very heroic of her. Even if her job description wasn't quite so... pure.

It rather amused her that Yor was an assassin. It seemed like the last thing the innocent (not so) woman would ever be...

"Oh. But... you probably find this place dreadfully dull. I'm sorry..." Yor suddenly said, blushing sheepishly.

"I like it! No crowds!" Anya cheered..

Kei begrudgingly nodded along to Anya's words. "It's good." She simply signed. For a moment, she wobbled precariously on her perch and her heart leapt.

Loid steadied her, almost as if on instinct. His gaze was trained on something else. "Hm?"


Kei followed his eyes to see an old lady helplessly spluttering, "he took my purse! Somebody help!"

A man darted away from the old lady, grasping onto what Kei presumed to be the old lady's purse.

Eyes narrowed, Loid dully began, "she should have been more careful..."

But before he could say anything else, Yor leapt off the platform, in its full height, and raced after the thief, her expression fierce. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT, THIEF!!!"

She stomped down the vertical length of the building, ignoring every law of physics, and stormed her way towards the lady.

Loid soon dashed off as well -with Anya in his arms. Luckily, he did not exactly jump off the platform as Yor had done. However, his height and speed soon left Kei behind... alone...

Kei huffed in annoyance. He could have at least brought me along. Kei thought in indignation, nevermind the fact that she would have never allowed him to carry her in the first place - let us all forget that one time with the kidnapping; she hadn't been conscious then...

She was clearly surrounded by insane people.

After a moment, she decided to start making her way down through the long, winding staircase like a perfectly sensible person. And huffed and puffed.

For someone with such short legs as herself, and of such short stature, this was not an easy task.

She laboriously made her way down, pausing to kick at the stairs once or twice. She glared at the stone as if it had personally offended her.

𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 // 𝐒𝐏𝐘 𝐱 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now