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A/N: imperial ranks have always been somewhat confusing and at times convoluted. For this fic, I'm more or less making my own imperial rank hierarchy, starting with the army from top to bottom.

Imperial army hierarchy:

Grand General
High General
Lieutenant General
Major General
Superior Colonel or legion commander
Lieutenant Colonel
Senior Captain
Senior Lieutenant
Regular trooper

Army units size:

Army Group/ Task Group consisting of over ten million troops
Army or Task Force of a million to five million
Division of a hundred thousand to half a million
Legion making up anywhere from twenty thousand to fifty thousand
Brigade of five thousand troopers
Battalion consisting of five hundred
Company of one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty troops
Platoon of fifty troops
Squad of ten
Team consisting of four to six troopers

Other types include Planetary Stationed Armies (P.S.A) which is a number of troopers stationed on a planetary garrison. Sector Army for all troops invlolved in a single galactic sector.

           -Ruusan, galactic Mid Rim-

It was roughly two months since I was transferred to Ouroboros Army Officer Corps Academy. In that short time, I quickly distinguished myself due to my strategic thinking and earned praise from my age group and seniors. 'General Covraii' as they started to name call me. I took it as a challenge to earn that rank as quickly as possible to prove to them how useless their teasing truly is. Most cadets usually recieved one blue square but I recieved two. It was more or less me being the 'top-cadet' and was basically the class leader and to put it bluntly, the teacher's pet. Something which I utterly despised. Nothing to change that however. As some of the top cadets in Ouroboros, I joined a special session with naval Captain Conrad Erick Galland, a man just six years older than me, aboard his gozanti class transport ship. Currently, me and my class were in Ruusan to investigate some weird activity as the higher ups bluntly put it.

''I believe this is Geonosian and Sy Bisti, sir.'' I told the naval captain.

''You can speak those bug language, cadet?'' asked the captain. ''Always sounded like nonsense jibber jabber to me. What does it say then?''

I stood up to give him an answer. ''Not much. Only that it is Trade Federation property.'' I told him and he nodded. ''It shouldn't be too surprising, sir, given that this, based on the cargo, is most likely a supply freighter and these are old separatist cargo. I think the crew stumbled upon an old CIS base before being attacked by smugglers.''

''And exactly what is the cargo?'' the captain asked.

''From the records, it looks like twenty cannisters worth of tibanna gas, fourty cans of various chemicals, half of which are toxic, some metals and...'' I leaned in closer to an opened cargo box on the ground and grabbed a small container.


''Spice, sir.'' I answered. ''Specifically the spice melange.'' I then took in a pinch of the spice and consumed it. The taste felt slightly off, more potent and stronger.

''Isn't that the one that comes from your home world, cadet?'' the captain asked. Good to see he knows his stuff though from where is quite questionable.

''Yes sir but the taste is off. It's more potent than the regular one in Akkadia. I think this is from Mizraim.''

''I thought Akkadia was the only place where spice was found.''

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