Forging an alliance

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-Heart of Darkness forge-

''We did as you requested, Salazar, forging the weapons according to your specifications.'' Smithaz told me. ''Pretty powerful stuff you and Eitri brought back but nothing me, my forge-hammer or the dwarves can't do.''

'The Requiem Blaster has the power of a quasar, essentially a galaxy killer at full power since it's mixed with pure, raw dark side energy.' I thought as I checked the Requiem Blasters on my arms and I was very impressed with them. 'The spears can multiply and have the power of a supernova;  I can shoot them like regular blaster shots. And the chains... from the very same one that binded Mother-Chaos over four millenia back.'

''So, how'd you like it? Neat, wouldn't you say, Salazar?'' Smithaz asked me.

''It's far more than just neat, Smithaz.'' I told him, giving him my compliments. ''I won't make the same mistakes I made four millenia back. Whether it be Dyeus or Perkwunōs, I won't spare them;  or any other god who stands in my way.''

''Good to hear but, you can't just exactly go straight to the mountain and barge in, Salazar. As powerful as you are, you may eventually be overwhelmed by their combined power and teamwork.''

''You think me a fool that I'll try that, Smithaz?'' I asked the god of crafts. ''That I'll just announce my presence and face all of them? No. I have a plan, Smithaz, and that plan is to make an alliance.''

''An alliance?'' Brokkr asked. ''What sort of alliance?''

''From Eitri's talk, I take it that dwarves and other peoples have been subjugated by the gods and under orcish yoke. I intend to gain the loyalty of the leaders of each race and form one united army.''

''Well, that sounds great and all but how exactly you plan on doin' that?'' Brokkr asked me, a bit skeptical about my plan. ''I mean, we sure hate the orcs just as much as some orc tribes hate each other but the other races also hate one another. Uniting them would be harder than finding a needle in a haystack.''

''It is impossible if you only consider it so, Brokkr, and I do not think so.'' I told the dwarf. ''As long as there is one common enemy and goal, even hated enemies may become begrudging allies. And, I do not need them to become friends or get along;  just work together until the goal is complete.''

''What were you like in your old life, Salazar?'' Smithaz asked me. ''Your old universe, I mean. From the way you talk, you seem to understand the petty politics of mortals.''

''Old universe? What does that mean?'' Eitri asked.

''I am not from this universe, Eitri.'' I answered his question. ''I am from another. One, bad day, I was locked in a battle and... under unfortunate circumstances, universe-hopped and landed here. I stayed in a 'frozen-in-time' state for seven hundred years till I woke up;  when I did, I took part in the Great War.''

''What was your universe like then, Salazar?'' Eitri asked, his curiosity growing bigger. ''Are there dwarves like us? What were you like? Please tell me there aren't any orcs.''

''Slow down, Eitri. My universe was very much like this one and teeming with life. I am sorry to say but, there are no dwarves in my home universe, Eitri. As for me, I was a commander in the army of a great and powerful empire. My aunt was the governor of my home and when she died, I inherited her titles, property and rank. I reestablished kingship in Akkad and became the first king in millenia.''

''Really? What were your people like?''

''The Akkadians are not a gentle folk, Eitri. They are brutal, warlike and ruthless conquerers. Even after a thousand years of foreign rule and attempts to change the culture, we clung onto the old ways. Perhaps, their ways still live on;  in my service to the empire, I went on many campaigns and wars. I earned a reputation for cruelty and sadism that few commanders, if any, could match.''

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