The pirate war

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A/N: the current year for the story is 5 BBY. Andor and Rebels would be happening in different parts of the galaxy.

Role of Salazar's women in Cobra ruled Akkadia and the Seswenna Sector:

Priscilla Roth- in charge of the intelligence, counter-intelligence, espionage, spying, communication and security of his kingdom. Head of the Committe for State Security and Secret Service (or just SS for short).

Kore Nyx- in charge of finances, business, commerce, trade, agriculture, urban development, education, spice production and infrastructure.

Myranda Blûdwyne- plays a role similar to a defense minister;  in charge of military recruitment and personnel training, foreign relations, public affairs and defense forces.

Anastasia- captain of the guard and concubine.

Roxanna- marshal of Salazar's forces and concubine.

Nymeria- sorceress and concubine

Selene- bodyguard and concubine

Inanna Lucens- bodyguard and concubine

Inanna Lucens- bodyguard and concubine

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SS trooper and officer.

-Senator Chuchi's office, Coruscant-

The senator of the moon Pantora, Riyo Chuchi, was growing ever concerned of the threat that the new underworld alliance was posing. Four pirate lords, the Black Sun and three Hutt bosses had allied with the last heir of a noble family from Akkadia. A family who caused the Akkad Spring rebellion that was crushed by General Salazar Covraii during the wider Expansion Regions Uprising War. Now, this unholy alliance, dubbed 'the nine penny kings', was headed for the Sujimis Sector;  her home in particular, Pantora.

In these hard times, it was always good to have friends and allies you can turn to for help. Her's, was in the form of General Salazar Covraii of Akkadia. The famed imperial war hero and new moff of the Seswenna Sector would not turn her down. Not after everything the Covraii family had did for her.

However, there were growing concerns among the Imperial Senate as many feared the rising popularity of the imperial general. Talks of holding him for trial on the charges of war crimes were there but no such tangible evidence was ready.

For her people, she would call on the one person she could rely upon to save them in these uncertain times. Without a moments hesitation, she contacted the governor of her home. ''Yes senator? How may I help you?'' The governor of Pantora asked as his hologram came online.

''Governor Quirinius, I may have a solution to our problem.'' She said. ''An answer to stop the threat of the nine penny kings.''

''I'm all ears, senator.''

''General Salazar Covraii of Akkadia.''

          -Imperial Intelligence HQ-

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