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The explosion that came from Fehtan, the god of war as he was dying, was enormous. A large crater was left in the wake of Fehtan's death and now, the once mighty god of war, son of Dyeus, lay slain on the ground in the middle of a crater. I had proven my strength once more;  the power of the force was not one that would easily be bested by a rival power, especially when it was in the hands of a dark lord of the sith.

I panted heavily, sweat coming down my forehead and my whole back was wet;  I took deep breaths as I sat and then fell down to the ground. ''I don't know what prompted you to do this Fehtan, but, this is what happens when you go against the dark lord of the sith, the king of Akkad.'' I told the cold corpse of Koryos-Fehtan that lied silent and motionless just before me. ''Your fate was chosen from the moment you decided to strike your hand against me. Now look at you. Just another dead corpse;  another number in my long kill count.''

''So, he's dead.'' the voice of Dyeus, kimg of the gods and father to Fehtan, said though it was more of a statement. ''You killed him.''

''He got what was coming after he attacked my city, Dyeus.'' I remained firm in my action, not feeling any semblance of remorse. ''Don't tell me that you're feeling sorry for him now, Dyeus. Not after his rebellion and attempt to use Mother-Chaos' heart.''

''No, I'm not, Salazar. I just wish it didn't have to be this way. In normal circumstances, it should've been a son that says the final farewell to his father, not the other way around.'' Dyeus said in a voice filled with pain. ''Sure, he wasn't my favourite child but he was my son nontheless.''

''Regardless, his death was the same as any who fell before me.'' I simply said, dismissing whatever feelings Dyeus-Pater may hold at the feeling. ''Pragna told me that you may finally have the answer to the Heart of the Universe by using Mother-Chaos' heart. What is it, that you have discovered?''

''Not much, Salazar Covraii. Really, when it comes to the Heart, there isn't really much that we can truly know until we get it.'' Dyeus explained, much to my annoyance. ''Fehtan, when he saw my research and all that I had discovered of the Heart, he wanted it. He desires the Heart for his own uses and he rebelled against me.''

'Such a bright idea that turned out to be.' I thought to myself.

''I enlisted Pragna's help, hoping her gift in knowledge and wisdom may help me, though I didn't tell her everything. We will need the power of Mother-Chaos if we are to access the Heart of the Universe, Salazar.''

''And tell me, how do you plan that on doing that, Dyeus? I'm curious to know.'' I told him.

''First, we'll need to take that box along with us. Come on, Salazar Covraii. Help an old man out here would you?'' Dyeus called me and we both went to the box. ''Next, we meet up with Pragna. She's already waiting for us in the location I told her to go.''

''And will we get there?''

''With this. Just hold on.'' Dyeus took out a stone inscribed with a rune and a portal opened. It generated a strong force and pulled us into the place of our destination.

Pragna stood waiting patiently for hours and finally, her waiting bore fruit when a portal opened and the two people she waited for arrived. ''Father, Salazar, you've arrived.'' she said, then came to realization. ''Fehtan is dead, isn't he, father?''

''Yes. Killed... by our ally, Pragna, the slayer of chaos, the... dark lord of the sith himself.'' Dyeus said. ''But we can let that all go aside for now. As of the moment, we need to go now.''

''What is this place anyways?'' I asked.

''An island, Salazar Covraii.'' Dyeus answered and then added, ''An island in the middle of a great cosmic ocean, the origin of everything.''

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