The campaign in Mimban

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A/N: hierarchy of the imperial navy for this fic, starting from top to lowest post:

Grand admiral
Fleet admiral
Vice admiral
Rear admiral
Senior captain
Senior lieutenant
Midshipman or technician

Imperial fleets can be of either numbered or sector command fleets. Fleets that have names like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 7th and so forth are those with numbers. They are quick, reactionary and expeditionary fleets commanded by the most competent admirals. Grand Admiral Thrawn commands the imperial 7th fleet. Sector command fleets are those fleets stationed to particular systems and galactic sectors and often participate in anti-piracy activities. Small task forces make up these fleets and some fleets are larger than others like the Endor fleet, Coruscant defense fleet and such.

-Current year is 9 BBY-

The imperial ball at the emperor's royal palace was over. All the graduates had left the palace to return to their respective shuttles and so too I. On one of the balconies of that palace, Prisca kissed me. It felt... nice. We all returned to our shuttles which would take us back to Ouroboros and from there, we would be drafted to Mimban.

A muddy, dark world, was Mimban. The natives had crimson red skin with big, pupil less eyes. An effect of the planet and it's geography if you were to read Mimban's history. As soon as I had my data pad back, I quickly did my research on the native Mimbanese. Knowing was half the battle afterall. I learnt everything available to me like their philosphy, history, geography, culture and way of life to better understand my enemies. Unlike other officers, I did not view enemies, especially aliens, in a bad way. It was much easier to win when you understood them. After we returned to Ouroboros, I quickly had my things packed as I would no longer be staying there.

''Need help, lieutenant?'' the academy's commandant asked me.

''Yes, ma'am. I am not quite sure exactly where I should keep my stuff.'' I said. I was quite embarassed to say it but yeah. With all of this happening at once, there was little breathing room.

''Until you return back from duty, the academy can look after your belongings.'' the commandant offered. ''Won't you be needing them for later?''

''Apparently not.'' I replied. ''The army will be providing new uniforms for me. I have more than enough credits afterall. I think I'd like to send them back to Akkadia.''

''Then in the meantime, Ouroboros can look after your belongings.'' the commandant said and gave the order to the guards. ''Now, you best get moving. Your platoon is ready to meet it's new lieutenant.'' the commandant said and I moved to the hanger.

Platoon. A group of fifty soldiers was how many a lieutenant could command. Senior lieutenants were in charge of two platoons or a hundred troopers. I made my way to the hanger, just two floors down, and I saw the soldiers of my platoon. The imperial 77th infrantry platoon, as it was called, was now the unit I commanded. I recieved my army uniform with a cape and a blaster rifle and pistol. I walked to meet my troops in the hanger. ''Sir.'' a trooper saluted me. ''Sir'' another one saluted as well. There was an unease among them. Of course they would be. They were at least 18 or so years old and I was only 16. They were commanded by a much younger commanding officer. I nodded to them and they followed me as we walked to the transporters.

To break the air of tension surrounding me and to give them a moral boost and possibly to earn some respect, I thought I'd try my best not to be a control freak and give a speech. ''Good day to you, men.'' I said with a nervous tone. My chest felt like itching. My legs were shaky and my heart was beating fast. Very fast but I needed to do this. ''My name is Salazar Covraii and I will be your commanding lieutenant from now. I know that... you doubt me. That I'm young, recently just graduated and I have lots to learn. I don't blame you. Who would instantly trust someone younger than them to lead them into a war? But... please. Work with me and maybe we can... function as good as we can, if not better.'' I said and took three deep breaths. ''Where are we going? To Mimban. A muddy, dark world that is rebelling and we are being drafted there. We may all come from different parts of the galaxy but together, we are one unit. We are brothers in arms, soldiers of the imperial army. Together, we can overcome any foe and we will win. Our lives may have changed but one thing that didn't is our duty. Now, for the sake of peace in our lifetime, for our family members and those back home, we fight. We fight, we conquer, we liberate! We are soldiers now and there is no enemy we fear!''

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