Hapes Consortium war

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        -aboard the ISD Starseeker-

An imperial ensign whistled as he was about to do his regular inspection. When he entered the room, he was surprised to see vice-admiral Kosvo, his commanding officer, with a squad of stormtroopers. ''Sir, what is this?'' The ensign asked.

''Nothing. Tell me, ensign, how long have you been working on my ship?'' Brandon Kosvo asked him.

''Um... before you were given command, sir. About two years earlier.'' The ensign replied.

''Ah. Is that so?'' Brandon waved his hand and the stormtroopers moved. ''Then, answer for me, if you will, how long have you been spying on me?''

''W-what? Sir, I don't-''

''You've been spying on me for Imperial Intelligence. How long, ensign?'' Brandon asked and the ensign started to sweat.

''Sir, please-'' The stormtroopers grabbed his arms and then threw him out the escape pod exits. The ensign, who was also an Imperial Intelligence spy, screamed as he fell to his death.

''That's over and done. Lieutenant, did what I ask arrive?'' Brandon was then given a data-pad that held the information he wanted. ''Good. Let's ump to the Hapes Consortium.''

           -aboard the Morning-Star-

''Please! Please show merc- AAAGH!'' The disgraced, former admiral Rydge pleaded as I shot another stream of force lightning. ''General Covraii, please!''

''Did you send your secrets to anyone else?'' I asked him as I stopped the torture.

''No one! Only my partner, Maul, and his organinzation. Crimson Dawn they call themselves. That's all, I swear!''

I sensed no ounce of treachery in his word so I believed it. I walked out of the torture chambers and headed to my office.

(my office, the Morning-Star)

''Roxanna.'' I addressed the marshal of my Cobra forces as her hologram appeared on the holo-table.

''How may I serve you, lord Salazar?''

''I want my vipers and any available Cobra forces to take part in the war against the Hapes Consortium.'' I told her before sitting down and looking at her hologram. ''And I want our spies to get whatever information they can on Crimson Dawn.''

''Crimson Dawn, my lord? I assume it that that is the organization of the former Darth Maul.'' She said and she guessed it correctly.

''Yes. Moniter them, get whatever data you can no matter how small. Maul played a dangerous game by helping Rydge. He'll know the consequences and I will make sure he pays for this. Personally.''

''As you commanded it, we shall see to it's fulfilment, my lord.'' Roxanna then turned off her hologram and Prisca entered my office.

''Sal, preparations for the invasion of the Hapes cluster is going well. I came to report to you that the ships once under the former admiral Rydge will now be commanded by our old friend, Brandon.'' She informed me.

''Ah. Good old Brandon.'' I remarked.

''Sal, if I may ask, what exactly does the emperor want with the Hapes Consortium anyways? What is our justification for war?'' She asked.

''Even I don't know the whole story, Prisca.'' I answered her. ''However, the emperor did told me that the Hapans were trying to harness the dark side of the force. Create an energy source, you could say. Such a thing hasn't been achieved since the Rakatan Infinite Empire as far as I'm concerned.''

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