Fehtan's rebellion

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The war between the gods and the Bellök that had raged on for well over a decade had ended. What remained of the Bellök were cast into the deepest levels of the netherworld;  Qingu, their chief and most loyal to Mother-Chaos, was punished by being sent to the 'bottom plain' of the universe.

Dyeus ruled the sky, Mori-Deiwos ruled all the seas and oceans, and Mertyu ruled the netherworld. They set up as their seat of power a great mountain, the tallest on this world, from which they governed all the races. Their children- Perkwunōs, Pragna, Koryos-Fehtan, Smithaz, and their cousins- also took up their seats as major and minor deities. Each governing over their fields as gods of protection, war, fighting, wisdom, crafting and more.

There were the sons of Mori-Deiwos, princes of the ocean and minor deities over lakes, rivers and seas. There was Cwēn, queen of the gods and wife to Dyeus, who took her seat as the new queen of the universe. There was the goddess of love, Karuna;  so beautiful was she that many, gods and mortals, competed for her hand in marriage. There was Harbistaz, goddess of agriculture and season and older sister to Dyeus, Mori-Deiwos, Mertyu and Cwēn. No doubt that this pantheon would grow bigger in the future.

As for me, the races of this world knew me as the man who won the war of the gods. They know me as the man who slew Mother-Chaos, the dreadful dragon, creator of everything, and also as a mighty slayer of the giants alongside Perkwunōs. The race of Men looked upto me and I was given authority over them;  they set me up as king to rule over them and I created a new identity for this kingdom of mine. One that was to resemble Akkadia, my home, as much as possible.

The chariot of Sol rode in the air, heralding a new day, and the breath of the south wind, the whisper of Harbistaz, came over us. A favorable day, a good signal for all of us. A man drove my chariot as I led my new people in search of a good place where we can settle and build perhaps the first, true cities on this world. Villages and large towns existed but nothing remotely resembling a true city. As we searched, we found a good place, watered by a good and mighty river and a good land for agriculture.

''We stop here.'' I told my driver as I looked over the land. It was a good place to settle;  we could build walls and a port and the city could easily expand. The land also favored good roads for trade and it can support a large population. ''On this place, we will build our homes. Here, we will build a city for ourselves.'' I told my followers and we went down to build the first tents.

Come the next day, we made ovens for making mud-brick and we laid the first foundations. The city was planned in a good fashion, looking like grids and having good roads and a good sewage system. We made wells and built houses and huts and then moved on to expand it. Horse drawn carriages moved to gather more material and as work went on for a longer time, the more people joined. Days became weeks, weeks turned inti months and months became years;  the city grew, evolved and expanded into a truly great city. The more people came, the more there was to labour and the ground was favorable for growing food.

People multiplied and nearby areas also started to have their first city foundations built. Three cities, one apart from the other by several dozen kilometers, were built by the people I ruled over. These three cities constituted the heartland of my kingdom and the people. The dwarves from the Iron and Misty Mountains, the elves from the towns of lakes and towns above trees, many others from different races also came to aid and learn a thing or two about city building. They brought to me tribute in the form of crafts made of gold, silver, jewels, food, workers and building material. They were welcomed and they eagerly worked for the mortal king who slew the dragon.

''Nice city.'' the voice of Dyeus, I heard, as he suddenly appeared before me. ''It's actually looking pretty good, Salazar. What'cha call 'em? These cities of yours?''

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