Sith training

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-training chambers, Kadath Station-

''Bring the test subject here.'' Snoke ordered and two sith sorcerers brought forth a chained Yuuzhan Vong warrior. ''Couldn't have been a better way to channel your force powers, my apprentice.''

''How did you capture a Yuuzhan Vong?'' I asked.

''The Eternal has been at war with the various hostile states in the Unknown Regions for centuries, my apprentice.'' Snoke explained. ''The Krillik, the Ssi Ruu, the Grysk and more. Only the Chiss Ascendancy is the Sith Eternal's ally. For the past few decades, I have sent legions of sith to face the Yuuzhan Vong to gauge them and delay their invasion. Sidious' aid has been most valuable in helping my forces but that can be further elaborated. You faced the Vong, my apprentice. I know how much you loathe them. They killed your friend afterall. Channel that hatred through you and unleash it as force lightning. Do it.''

I put my left hand out and tried to channel my hate for the Vong. I remembered how my best friend died and so did the good men at Belkadan. ''Focus, apprentice, and you can succeed. Channel the hate and let it burst forth as lightning.'' Snoke said and small sparkles came to my hand. Within a few short moments, a burst of weak, dark blue force lightning came out of my left hand but I retracted it in shock. Snoke was displeased with this. ''You pulled it back.''

''I was just taken off guard.'' I defended myself but no use. Snoke would not accept it.

''No. You retracted it in a moment of weakness and hesitation. Only the strong survive and the weak perish or serve. That is the rule of the sith and the universe. You must not show any weakness, apprentice. Once more, and this time, no hesitation. Kill the Vong using your hate.''

I channeled my hatred and called upon the dark side. Sparkles came to my fingers and a stronger lightning burst forth from my hand. The Vong warrior howled in pain as he was being electrocuted and I recoiled my hand back out of tiredness.

Snoke clapped his hands at the display. ''Not bad for a beginner, my apprentice.'' he complimented. ''Not bad at all. In time, you will learn to use force lightning as any true sith lord can. Come. I will show you the main base of operations in the Kadath star system, apprentice. The fortress world of Angmar.'' Snoke said and walked away.

I followed him back to the shuttle just as the sith sorcerers killed the Vong warrior. Once we boarded the ship, we flew to Angmar.

-fortress world of Angmar, Kadath-

Angmar was a dark planet covered entirely by one city similar to Coruscant. However, Angmar was deep in the dark side and there were only three levels. In short, Angmar was like a gigantic industrial city for production and cultic center. The Sith Eternal commanded the millions of lowly labour that called Angmar home. Great hounds and other beasts corrupted by sith alchemy patrolled the walls, guarding the 'work-masters' who told the populous to labour. It was also in Angmar that the last of the original, red-skinned sith, many of them from the messassi caste, could be found.

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