Traitor hunt

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     -skies of Dantooine, Outer Rim-

''Move, move!'' one of the troopers shouted as we battled pirates here in Dantooine. Without a war to fight in, we were reduced to anti-piracy and smuggling missions. We got word of a medium sized pirate fleet and the Morning Star flew to raid it. The troopers fought the pirates as we caught the largest freighter and the pirates put up a pitiful defense. ''Blast them!''

Grenades were thrown and a rocket was launched. Most of the pirates were already dead and I came with more troopers to finish them off. As we battled our way through, we were unexpectedly attacked by a Mandalorian bounty hunter wearing a green painted armor. The bounty hunter used his jetpack and blasters to gain the upper hand, managing to shoot down two of my troopers. I ignited my lightsaber and deflected the blasts but the Mando shot his rocket. We were fighting in the cargo bay. I used my grappling hook and caught the Mando's leg and then pressed a button. The cargo hatch opened and we went out the freighter.

''Did I just-'' Captain Gary Strave asked and a trooper nodded. ''Damn you and your un-timely show offs. Get a shuttle ready now!'' Gary shouted and the troops ran.

Me and the Mandalorian were falling down to the ground but we were still fighting. A hilarious sight for those who would've seen it. I tried punching him but his beskar helmet made it difficult. The bounty hunter tried to shoot me with his blaster pistol but I grabbed his arm and pointed it elsewhere. He used his jetpack and flew, trying to get me off of him but my grappling hook was still there. I latched onto him and we fought once more. I put him in a good locked position and tried to separate him from his jetpack. 'Come on. Come on.' I struggled hard till I managed to do it and kicked him down. ''Now how to fuckin' operate this thing?'' I cursed and tried my best. I put the jetpack on my back and would you know it. I actually flew.

The bounty hunter would not just give up and moments before his death, he shot at me. He hit the jetpack and I too was falling again. I prepared to get the grappling hook to latch onto a tree trunk but there was no need. An imperial shuttle came and managed to catch me just in the nick of time. ''Never do that again, you hear me you crazy son of a mad rancor.'' Gary said to me.

''Hey, what happened to 'addressing superior officers in the proper manner' thing, captain?'' I asked.

''You said to be casual since we're friends and I'm following your orders, sir.'' Gary replied and then changed his tone to one of relief. ''I'm just glad that you're fine.''

''Fly down to the bounty hunter. Perhaps there are valuable things to salvage from his dead body.'' I ordered and the shuttle flew down to the ground.

''Ugh... I don't think he can be taken for interrogation, sir.'' Gary remarked upon looking at the Mandalorian pancake in front of us. ''But the beskar and blasters and whatever data survived the crash can still be salvaged. I think.''

''Best hopes for now, Gary. Best hopes for now but let's prepare for the worst. Yep. You can strip him, boys. Won't be needing it anymore.'' I said and two troopers came to the squashed Mandalorian without any excitement. Who would be?

''Ah man.'' a trooper complained in a low tone and began to take everything of value from the Mando's corpse. After completing everything we came here to do, we returned to the Morning Star.

              -in the Morning Star-

''So, as I was saying, colonel sir, I think Hans and Gunther are better off not being tie pilots.'' Vilem Kyse, recently assigned to my unit, told me. ''They're good but they can be impulsive, reckless and a bit hot headed at times. I think it's better if they serve as shuttle pilots.''

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