End of an illegal empire

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A/N: changed my mind. Byss and Exegol will be separate planets in this fic but I will create more sith fortress worlds. Exegol here will just be a factory and shipyard planet and Byss as a population center and mining facility.

The new sith citadel world will be a new planet called Angmar. It is part of several worlds in the Kadath star system alongside Exegol and another key planet is Sheol.

          -Bastion city, Sartinaynian-

I got to meet ISB Colonel Wullf Yularen and another brilliant military mind, Captain Thrawn. The Chiss captain and I had a conversation, exchanging battle tactics and more with a nice game of battle simulations. One thing was clear to us. He was the better naval commander while I was the better army commander, though by a narrow margin. Thrawn displayed a level of intelligence and analytical thinking perhaps greater than my own. After that, he offered me a tour of his own ship, the arquitens class cruiser named the Thunder Wasp.

''You decorate your office with art pieces I see.'' I remarked as I entered the captain's room. ''Very intriguing. Though officers are allowed to modify their uniforms or personal quarters, like me choosing to wear my medals and a cape. I did not expect to see an art musuem. Not that I'm saying it's bad. Just unexpected.''

''What do you know about art, colonel?'' Captain Thrawn asked me.

''Not much.'' I replied. In truth, I did like art but only those made by an Akkadian. Perhaps it was a bit of pride in being an Akkadian or maybe I looked down upon other peoples and their art and culture. Though a bit of respect could be shown.

''You should make the time.'' Captain Thrawn then pointed at one of his many art collections. ''Saffa paintings. Notice how the style changes right here at the first contact with the thennqora?'' he asked and the change waa quite noticeble. Did the Chiss captain suddenly awaken a new fascination and desire in me?

''Yes. Most remarkable, these Saffa paintings.'' I then looked at other pieces of art that Captain Thrawn had in his possession. ''Clone Wars era parts as well as other such exotic art pieces from several planets and species. Are there any from your's, captain?''

''I have none at the moment, I'm afraid.'' the captain replied.

''Shame. I would've liked to see one and be acquainted with your people's art.'' I said and looked at the captain, eye to eye. ''What is your fascination with art, captain? I'm rather... very curious.''

''I believe one must take the time to appreciate art, colonel. If you can understand a species' art, then you may understand that species. To defeat your opponent, you must understand them. Not just their tactics but their history, philosophy, art.'' the captain said to me.

''I always tried with my enemy's history and tactics used but never regarding their philosophy or art.'' I admitted. ''I'll take your advice to heart and try to use it when I come into contact with my enemies.''

''War is... in your blood, colonel.'' the captain said. ''I... study the art of war, work to perfect it. But you... your people were forged by it, moulded by it.'' from his tone, I suspected that the captain had a respect and liking to my people. And from those who study the art of war, like Captain Thrawn, who wouldn't be regarding the most war-like people? The same people who's brutality, cunning and more was rivaled by less than five other empires and species. ''I look forward to one day working with you, colonel.''

''Same here, captain.'' I said and walked out of his office to return to my ship, the Morning-Star.

(the Morning-Star)

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