Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death

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A/N: the previous wraith trooper design is now just the military wing of the Committe for State Security and Secret Service (SS).

Shadow stormtrooper phase 2 or the Cobra wraith trooper:

Shadow stormtrooper phase 2 or the Cobra wraith trooper:

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-Ishtar Hotel and Resort, Zeltross-

''An insurgent uprising? And on Sullust no less, so close to Akkadia.'' I muttered as I talked with the hologram of ISB Colonel Yularen. ''Great. Just as I was having a vacation.''

''If my information is true, then I believe you had a part in the emperor's project: warmantle, general Covraii.'' ISB Colonel Yularen stated. ''And the weapon is being built on Sullust. Precisely why the emperor entrusted this particular planet to you.''

''Yes. A new means of artillery for both land and warships. You said 'particular', colonel. You mean to tell me that other planets are also rising in insurgent activity?''

''Yes, general. Perhaps they have grown bold after the nine penny kings, not minding the fact that you pretty much wiped them all out.''

'It seems my worst fears regarding these rebel groups have come to fruition.' I thought regarding the matter. 'Cornelius was right. They are growing bolder by the day. Who truly knows if one day they might all unite together. And the bill I proposed is still to be put on hold. Damn the timing of all this. To make it worse, insurgents may get hold of the railway gun and use it. That thing has enough power to destroy a frigate.'

''General, will you be up to the task of pacifying Sullust?'' Colonel Yularen asked.

''Do I need to answer that, colonel? Though cutting my vacation off by over a week isn't something I appreciate, I guess I can put it on hold. After Sullust is pacified, I can resume the vacation.'' I replied, rather a bit enthusiastically.

''I'm glad to hear, general. Oh and before I forget, one more thing. It hasn't been made public yet but whoever manages to pacify the insurgent worlds first and upto the emperor's liking, will be promoted as a new rank has been made.'' Colonel Yularen said and that got me interested.

''A new rank, colonel?''

''The emperor calls it 'Grand General'. Essentially, the army's equivalent of a grand admiral. One grand general to have the level of authority that four regular grand admirals hold, meaning that three grand generals can exist alongside twelve grand admirals. You are one of the top candidates for the rank of grand general, General Covraii, and I'd hate to see any less competent commander be promoted.''

''Thank you for having faith in me, colonel. I won't disappoint. I'll talk with the others, discuss strategies and Sullust will be pacified in no time.''

''I'll be waiting to hear it over on the news then, general. Good day and do tell Prisca I said 'hi'.'' and with that, Colonel Yularen's hologram disappeared.

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