Coruscant social events

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    -Coruscant, galactic Core regions-

''As for the 'charges' against General Salazar Covraii of Akkadia, I find no reason to bring him on trial nor is there substantial evidence.'' Mas Amedda announced to the Imperial Senate, much to the dismay of Mon Mothma and Bail Organa.

The Chandrilan senator was working in the shadows to try to unite the various, scattered rebelling factions all throughout the galaxy into one cohesive group. But there were challenges to that. Differing opinions, view points, interests and methods from the various rebel cells made unity difficult. Then, there was the threat that highly powerful and competent imperial commanders posed. Among them were General Salazar Covraii of Akkadia.

Mon Mothma did not like the Akkadian general/moff;  whether it be his brutal campaigns throughout the galaxy or loyalty to the Galactic Empire. And there was also the fact that the Covraii family business was partners with her enemies like business baron Everett Roth. The Akkadian general posed a great threat thanks to his military brilliance, strength of his forces, experience and ties to the emperor himself. She wanted to take him down but it seems unlikely.

To make it worse for her, the Akkadian general had an influential ally in the form of Senator Riyo Chuchi of Pantora. And here, Mothma thought Senator Chuchi would be on her side.

''Senators, I ask you to reconsider-'' Mon Mothma tried to say but she was cut off by the senator from Eriadu.

''We are wasting time here discussing about alleged 'war-crimes'.'' He said. ''Can't we discuss something more important? What about the proposal to cut blaster technology off from ships? That's certainly worth our time.''

''Regarding the question of 'war-crimes' committed by General Covraii, I find no concrete evidence.'' Mas Amedda said to the Imperial Senate. ''As such, until such evidence can be presented, the general is found non guilty of any accusations. Now, as for the proposal.''

The bill as proposed by the Akkadian senator, Sîn-Sar-îskun, and approved by General Covraii, was to cut off fire arm technology from freighters and civilian ships. Instead, to hire imperial security droids instead. On paper, it was to limit pirate activity from rising but Mon Mothma knew that this bill was also to make sure rebel factions could not grow their strength. This was also for the Covraii industries' heighliner transport craft to gain a monopoly on space travel. A bill that Mon Mothma must reject and do her best to ensure it would never come to pass.

''I object to the passing of this bill.'' Mon Mothma said. If this bill were to pass, the Covraii business would gain monopoly over civilian space travel. Starships would no longer be owned as private property and companies like Kuat would only manufacture Covraii heighliners and imperial warships.

The Imperial Senate was divided on this and chose to leave the matter for another day. Even Senator Chuchi wasn't quite sure whether or not she should support the proposed bill. Whatever the case, it was a matter to be decided for another day.

(Coruscant Imperial Royal Academy)

On the Royal Academy at Coruscant (the non-military one), students were looking forward for the Social Gathering event just four days from now. This was a normal school that taught ordinary subjects like history, math, science, political-science, economics, linguistics and more but it was also the most prestigious civilian academy in the galaxy. Only the most wealthy of people could afford for their children to recieve the education that it presented.

Rebqah was not born into that privelege. Her father was a simple driver on Nineveh, Akkadia's capital city, while her mother was a maid. But, they were hired by the late moff of the Seswenna Sector, Dainah Covraii. The late moff was kind to her, treating her like a niece, and paid for her education at this school. Even after the moff had passed away, the moff's nephew, General Salazar Covraii, who continued paying for her education. She returned their kindness by doing well in her class to make every credit the Covraii family spent for her count.

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