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The room full of conjurers was deadly silent...

"You can not do this. You must not do this. It goes against our nature-- It goes against the very fabric of creation." A woman bellowed in terror, her purple eyes refusing to look away from the tall figure standing in the middle of the room and the other witches shared a look of utter helplessness.

"A mate bond is the most sacred bond to ever have been created. You must know it. Meddling with a mate bond is the biggest offense against all creation and the Almighty. The repercussions would be unheard of." Said another witch, she sounded and looked much more composed than the earlier one but she was fooling no one because the fear was impossible to hide.

"Please listen to us. We know you want to change the way things are but if you do this... If you interfere with the flow of life, it could destroy everything. It could kill you!" The one who spoke next was the youngest there, Imogen, her innocence was such stark in the dark room, and everyone shifted in their seats when she finally got the attention of the one they were all pleading with.

A slight twitch of fingers had everyone holding their breath...

"Do you think of me a fool?" The soft, velvety voice was enchanting in every way but they all knew better than to not acknowledge the dangers that lay before them and nobody dared look up when glowing golden orbs studied them.

"I know of the scourge you call a mate bond. Better than all of you. So do not insult me with your remarks." The shadows surrounding the room hissed like snakes, their tendrils trying to engulf the uneasy women seated on the huge round table and a collective sigh of relief echoed the huge chamber when they pulled back.

"We mean no insult, we would never dare to. We... We are worried. What you propose is beyond irrational and you can die--" Imogen had tried to plead once more, ignoring the horrified looks her companions gave, and her voice deserted her the moment those burning golden orbs found her.

"How dare you?" Gone was the softness of the voice Imogen had come to worship, it was now replaced with anger and hatred, both vile emotions and the poor girl whimpered when the shadows abruptly clutched her in their wicked hold.

The sound of footsteps nearing her told Imgoen that she was done for...

"Look at me." The voice demanded, low and calm despite the way shadows hissed against her skin with each syllable, and Imogen forced herself to look up only to have her heart skip several beats at once.

"Have I ever given you the impression that something as puny as death can scare me? Do you even know who I am?" The darkness that surrounded Imogen suffocated her, its hold on her getting stronger and stronger, and just when she was about to lose hope, she was released.

"Death has never scared me." The footspets receded as Imogen gasped on the floor, wheezing as she struggled to get air into her lungs, and she looked up at the dark and tall figure only for fear to grasp her heart in its clutches.

"For centuries I have been your minion. Doing your biddings for you... Killing for you." Imogen gulped at those words, watching as the shadows played on the fingertips of the one who had saved her life once and everyone in the room shifted in their seats, their faces ashen.

"I have destroyed worlds with a simple flick of my finger because you, The Order Of Oracles, willed it so. And I never raised a question. Because I never knew I could... Not until I found this." Imogen winced as she watched the darkness seeping into their skin, engulfing the whole room and sniffing out every hint of light, happiness, and hope out of them all: leaving only desolation in its wake.

Supernatural Tales - Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now