Chapter 20

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Irene remained silent while her mother explained everything to Esme...

"Does Iris know about your visions?" the golden-haired woman had asked the worried princess once Azure told her everything she knew and Irene shook her head, causing Tulip and Ceres to exchange looks.

"Maman promised to wait until I was ready to tell you all but..." Irene trailed off, causing Athena and June to sigh in worry and Azure rubbed her temples as she tried to remain calm and collected.

"Remind me again, why can't we let the dragon girl find out that she's your mate?" Sybil asked, she looked as unsure as she sounded, and Ceres gave her mother an unimpressed glance while Irene exhaled through her nose.

"I can't tell you that, Mama Sybil. I told you, I can not share my visions without the risk of putting the ones involved in fatal harm. Which, in this case, would mean Mama Esme's mate's daughter," the blue-eyed princess explained kindly, causing Sybil to curse under her breath, and Esme walked up to her only to grab her hands.

"Irene, my sweet girl, what you are asking is a lot. Repressing your mate bond will cause you terrible discomfort. I had to watch Iris suffer through this for so long and... I don't wish that kind of misery on you, sweetheart. Please, think about this," Esme tried to warn the younger girl, understanding that the more powerful she is, the more she will suffer and Irene clenched her jaw before stepping away from her.

"Do it," it was Tulip who had spoken next, her voice was tense and her eyes were sharp, and Azure realized that she and Ceres were both standing tautened as they gazed at Irene.

"Irene knows what she's doing. She's the smartest person I know and... If she believes it best to suppress her mate bond, then I suggest you all better listen to her," Ceres added her voice to the conversation, her fingertips twitching with her magic, and everyone in the room was alarmed by their behavior.

"Girls," Athena's vampire commanded their granddaughters' attention, causing the three of them to turn to them at once, and June shared a certain look with Fenrir that caused their wolf to become furious.

"Come here, please," the vampire queen requested in a strong voice, holding out her hand as she stood beside her best friend June, and while the princesses heeded with gentle steps, Azure and Sybil started to realize what their mother had sensed.

Irene did not dare look up at her grandmother...

"Look at me, Princess Irene," Athena's vampire spoke softly, most lovingly, and the moment Irene's teary blue eyes looked up at them, rage flowed through their veins like poison.

"She's going to hurt you," Azure whispered in alarm, causing Sybil's eyes to glow furious red as well, and when Irene felt too overwhelmed, she hugged Athena will all her might, invoking her grandmother to hold her closer.

"We will not let that happen. Never," Tulip muttered dangerously, her hands emitting the captivating white glow of her magic, and Ceres nodded in agreement, grabbing onto her hand tightly.

"You have to cast the spell, Esme. You must," June sounded like she was struggling to keep her wolf in check, and Esme, who had been too shocked to even move from her place until then, stepped up to Athena and Irene.

"Is there any way to make it less painful for her? Any way at all? I can take all her pain if it is liable," Athena asked hopefully as she pressed Irene to her heart, and Esme appeared perplexed as she gazed at Irene and the other princesses.

"I'm afraid, you're not a viable option for that Athena. Tulip and Ceres on the other hand..." Esme did not finish her sentence because Irene's horrified blue eyes were gazing at her in shock and the princess shook her head at once but her sisters did not let her speak.

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