Chapter 26

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Feenyx's morning began with the sound of her alarm going off.

"Ugh," she grumbled unhappily, rolling over onto her back as she rubbed her eyes, and as the alarm continued to blare, she grabbed her phone before turning it off.

"Time to get up, Nyx," she told herself, sleepily and in a low mumble, and even after that it took her a whole minute to be able to open both her eyes properly.

Once she managed to will herself to move, Nyx got up from her bed and sagged her way to the kitchen of her small one-bedroom apartment that cost way more than it should have. She yawned as she turned on the coffee machine, sighing happily when the aroma of fresh beans hugged her senses, and then, she grabbed her phone once more only to play the first playlist she could find. With the sound of music and the fragrance of coffee in the air, Nyx moved around with a certain enthusiasm as she got ready for the day that awaited her. The woman sang cheerily as she walked out of the shower, drying her short dark locks before grabbing the right products to style them and once that was done, she walked into her bedroom only to get quickly dressed.

The sound of her cell phone ringing caused her to rush back to the kitchen.

"Nyx! Where the hell are you?! Everyone has been looking for you!" screamed the voice of her colleague, causing Nyx to realize that she was running late, and the woman cursed under her breath before grabbing her coat and keys.

"I'm on my way, Priya! Sorry!" she apologized as she rushed downstairs, cursing her landlord who refused to fix the lift in their building, and Priya cursed her in her native tongue before ending the call.

"That's what you get for staying up late," she mumbled unhappily, grabbing her helmet from underneath the seat of her bike with quick moves, and her lips lifted in a grin as soon as she revved her bike:  more than ready to start her day.

Although she was running late, Nyx knew better than to speed through the early morning traffic, having witnessed countless tragedies as a result, and she hummed whatever song was on her mind as she weaved through the traffic with an expertise that only be developed over time. She made a quick stop on her way to the office, a small coffee shop whose owners were very kind and needed all the business they could get. The fact that their coffee was out of the world was just a bonus. She parked her bike before rushing to the front door and held it open for a woman who was too busy scolding her assistant to even acknowledge her, not that it had ever mattered to Nyx; she did what she did for herself and never to be seen. Although, people did notice her, and she was often aware of it.

A certain barista perked up as soon as Nyx walked inside.

"Hi, Jen, is my order ready?" the woman asked with a brilliant grin, already knowing the answer, and Jen rolled her eyes before grabbing three cups of steaming hot coffee.

"When will you stop asking that, Nyx? You know I always have them ready to go before you even get here," Jen replied cheekily, leaning a bit more forward as she handed her favorite customer her usual order, and while Nyx was too clueless to notice her attempt, the other baristas giggled.

"You're the best, Jen! I'm sorry I can't stay longer but I'll catch you tomorrow, yeah? Have a great day, people!" Nyx rushed out of the doors, beaming at the patrons who waved her way since they were also regulars, and Jen huffed as she watched her drive away.

"She is as clueless as they come. Why don't you try your luck somewhere else, Jen? The sun might rise from the west but Nyx will never know you are flirting with them," one of the baristas teased the poor girl, causing her to roll her eyes, and they all watched as Jen signed before closing the buttons she had undone only for Nyx.

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