Chapter 6

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Tulip rose from her slumber with an unusual migraine...

"Maman?" Mumbling sleepily, Tulip meekly called out for her mother and when she did not appear at her side like she always did, a deeply pungent pain rose inside her chest that forced her to sit up with a silent gasp.

It was cruelest; the process of her memories coming back, and her eyes brimmed with tears the moment Tulip remembered the fight her mothers had and the way her Maman had vanished from her sight before she could stop her. With panic flooding her veins, Tulip ripped away the blanket from her body and jumped to her feet, more than ready to find her Maman. However, as soon as she did so, something made her freeze in her steps, her breath halting for a distinct reason, and then, Tulip simply stood beside her bed, trying and failing to decipher if she was still dreaming or there was, in actuality, a huge black wolf curled up at the feet of her bed. And this wasn't just any other wolf, no, this was the one and only wolf who had the uncanny ability to render Tulip immobile and speechless in the most crucial of times, just like now.

The wolf stirred and Tulip felt her heart stuttering...

"What are you doing here?" The words had left Tulip's lips before she even knew it, her voice uncertain and unsteady, and the black wolf moved only to have their beautiful green eyes land on her in an instant.

"What are you doing here, Fenrir?" When her wolf mate failed to reply, Tulip asked again, her voice much more stable and stern this time, and they both turned to the sound of the door opening only to find Irene standing there.

"Sister, you are awake. How are you feeling? Are you alright?" As if the wolf did not even exist, Irene walked up to her sister and pulled her into her arms and Tulip glanced at Fenrir as if to ensure that they were really there.

"Irene... What are they doing here?" Tulip whispered to her sister, holding onto her strongly, and Irene pulled back, kissed her forehead, and turned to glare at the wolf who now stood on all fours, watching them from a distance.

"They are here because I asked them. For you." Irene admitted in a strained voice, her blue eyes full of irritation yet worry, and Tulip winced softly when a wave of nausea hit her head, leading her sister to guide her back to the bed.

"I-Irene-- I don't understand what is happening. Why... Why would you do that?" it was clearly a struggle for Tulip to speak, she was not used to being sick like this and she hated it and Irene looked nothing but pained as she kneeled before her.

"Because no matter how much I despise Fenrir's actions or how strongly I believe that they do not even deserve to be near the shadow of you until they have earned it a million times over... I love you above all that and I can not stand to see you suffer a second longer and if Fenrir being close to you helps, even in the slightest, I am willing to allow them near you again." The blue-haired princess disclosed in a pained voice, her eyes heavy with concern, and Tulip opened her mouth to question her only to pause when Kahlan entered the room with June and Aria.

"What happened?" rushing over to the hurting princess at once, Kahlan had asked worriedly and June stood beside Fenrir's wolf while Aria walked over to Tulip, all of them watching in apprehension.

"It's my head. I don't... It hurts, Mama." Tulip's voice broke, tears rolling down her cheeks as she leaned against Kahlan, and while Aria rushed out of the room again, Irene used her magic to ease her a bit.

"We have to remove the spell. We need Iris. Now." Looking up at June with her glowing eyes, Kahlan appeared nothing less than terrified as she held onto an ashen Tulip and Irene clenched her jaw as she forced herself to hold back her tears.

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