Chapter 9

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Iris's statement rendered Seraphine and Aneka immobile...

"Iris... What... I do not understand..." The Dragon Queen had never felt so completely at a loss for words, her dragon roaring in the sky above the palace, and Aneka wrapped an arm around her mate to stabilize her.

"Please explain yourself, Iris." After taking a long breath to ease herself enough so that her dragon would stop scaring the palace guards, Seraphine began again and Iris's expression remained impassive as she nodded tensly.

"I am telling the truth, Sera. The White Dragon that you all presumed dead is still alive." Iris said those words loudly and firmly so that they could hear her again, and while Seraphine shook her head in disbelief, Athena stayed quiet because she knew her daughter was no liar.

"That... That is not possible, Iris. It has been over a thousand years-- Our clans did everything to find them but they all failed. We looked everywhere. The White Dragon is too strong of a creature to stay hidden all these years. To even suggest otherwise is simply outlandish." Aneka wished she could have sounded as decisive as she wanted to but she didn't because she knew Iris was far more powerful than anyone there, so there had to be some truth to her words.

"I'm afraid it is not outlandish. The White Dragon is alive and... I can prove it to you." Athena noticed the way Iris had glanced at a stoic-looking Esme before saying those last words and when the queens nodded numbly, the tall woman turned to Oro.

"Come here, child." Iris's figure seemed almost ominous as she gestured for Oro to come closer, causing the strong warrior to obey at once and Yvette felt her heart racing as she observed them.

"You are a descendant of the Drakos lineage, are you not?" She inquired kindly when the knight stopped before her, causing them to nod, and Seraphine glimpsed at Aneka only to find her looking just as perplexed.

"Can you tell me the name of your grandmother?" when Iris asked that, Oro's body tensed as they glanced at Seraphine but before she could even open her mouth to converse, Princess Yvette did.

"Oro can't speak. They..." The words had tumbled out of Yvette's mouth without her permission and Seraphine nodded her way so she could proceed with explaining, causing the princess to walk over to a silent Oro.

"Oro is my shadow knight. Shadow knights are bound to the heirs to the throne by a vow of silence and secrecy so they can't speak or show people their face-- Well, technically, they have the option to choose--" The moment Yvette started losing track of the conversation, Ankea cleared her throat loudly and Tulip smiled at the princess as she mumbled a small apology, her cheeks rosy.

"You are right, though. Oro is from the Drakos Clan and their grandmother's name was Amari Jade Drakos. But, I should let you know that if you're planning on looking for her, it'll be of no use because she's been dead for over a decade now. I really miss her rice cakes," Yvette mumbled the last words sadly, looking up at Oro who did not even acknowledge her presence and Iris gave her a small smile.

"I remember meeting her during the war. She was a brave warrior and a worthy companion. She would have been proud of you, Oro." Now that Iris knew who their grandmother was, she had smiled at the knight before patting their shoulder and Oro bowed to her in respect.

Iris's white eyes took over a sad tint and Yvette felt her heart racing...

"I'm afraid I have to ask you a favor, dear Oro, and unfortunately, it is going to be terribly painful." The moment she said those words to them, Yvette started shaking her head as her hands grabbed onto her knight's arm to pull them away but Oro did not even move an inch.

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