Chapter 33

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Nyx watched silently as Xaria paced before her bed furiously.

"I can't believe they won't let me see her-- I can't believe she won't let me see her!" the woman was going crazy now, it had been days since she had been back but there was still no sign of Amaya and her anger was reaching a dangerous point.

"I am her mate. I have every right to see her and talk to her. If only I had my powers, I would have made her talk to me!" when Xaria hissed those words, her eyes and voice dark with rage, Nyx glanced up at her instantly and their best friend's eyes found them too.

"What on earth are you saying? Have you lost your mind?!" Nyx's voice rose, she was angry too but at her best friend, and Xaria opened her mouth to tell them off but they did not let her.

"Mate or not you can't fricking force her to do anything! You never force anyone to do anything they do not want to, Xari. And if for some bizarre reason, you forget that, I will be right fawking here to remind you!" Nyx's words smacked some sense into their best friend and Xaria shook her head before pushing back her messy hair roughly.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I know you are. It's just that... Every day that passes by I remember more and more about what she is to me, how much... How much she means to me...and it gets harder because while she refuses to be merciful, I am dying here being separated from her," Xaria confessed in a pained voice and Nyx understood her because they had been seeing the truth in her words for days too.

"I get it, Xari. I can see that this is painful for you and Aaliyah and Bida... But it seems to me that all three of you are being ignorant to the most important part of a relationship--" Nyx stopped talking when Bida entered the room with a deep scowl and Xari too gave her best friend a sharp glare, not at all liking what she was saying.

"Finish your sentence, Feenyx," Xaria muttered bitterly, dangerously, and Nyx noticed the same thing they had been observing in the best friend the last few days, getting to their feet with a soft sigh.

"This mate bond thingy, it's a two-way road, isn't it? As in, what you feel, your mates can feel too?" despite the hostility, Nyx asked those questions calmly and strongly, and Xaria nodded curtly in reply while Bida simply listened.

"Then surely whatever you two are feeling, Es--your Amaya is feeling as well?" when they asked that, Xaria's eyes became less angry and even Bida appeared to have deflated noticeably, but Aaliyah shook her head as she frowned.

"No, she does not. She uses her magic to protect herself from our pain and she does not let us feel her emotions too," Aaliyah rebutted her words, sharply and irritatingly, and while Xaria appeared maimed, Nyx scowled at their way.

"And how do you know that? How can you know that she does not feel your pain?" when Nyx asked what, Aaliyah opened her lips to explain just how she could claim that only to halt and the human shook her head sadly, disappointed.

"See, this is exactly what's been bugging me ever since this whole mate bond thingy began with you three," Nyx sounded frustrated with everything, pushing back their short shaggy locks, and Bida did not allow Aaliyah to intervene, wishing to hear her perspective.

"You were gone from her life for over a thousand fawking years, weren't you? I don't care why that happened or how but you were not together and she was trapped in a fawking prison all this time thinking and doing who knows what! She has every right to not want to see you, for fawk's sake!" Nyx exclaimed at their best friend, glaring at her as if she were a child, and Xaria lowered her head, listening.

"And you? I know Xari is not allowed to see her but you can, can't you? What the fawk is wrong with you then? Why can't you see what I see every time she's near you two?!" Nyx yelled at Aaliyah then, causing the dragon's eyes to widen as she saw a different side of her and Xaria looked at her mate while her best friend continued.

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