Chapter 17

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A/N: let me know if you can see this chapter, thank you. 


Esme blinked before letting go of the emotions gripping her...

"Mama Esme!" Tulip had rushed over to the golden-haired woman before embracing her strongly and Esme glanced up at Aaliyah only to find her beautiful eyes still watching her.

"I am alright, sweetheart. No need to cry," Esme smiled as she hugged her sweet daughter back, kissing her head with a loving smile, and Iris gulped harshly before pulling both of them in her arms, making the woman chuckle softly.

"You and I are going to have a conversation after this," Athena told Esme firmly, her red-rimmed eyes glaring at the golden-eyed woman, and Iris squeezed them even more when her best friend nodded with a small smile.

"How are you feeling? Does anything--" Tulip began to ask her kind Mama, worried about her, but Juno groaned loudly and cut her off, causing the princess to glare at her at once.

"As disgusting as I find all of this... It's good that you are awake. Come, Mother," Juno rolled her eyes before grabbing her mother's wrist and Esme held her breath when her mate stood near her, her expressions firm yet gentle.

"Alright,  Mother. This is it. Bida is back now and we do not have anything to worry about. Reject this woman so we can go home," the words that Juno uttered so nonchalantly alarmed everyone but Esme and Bida was as furious as they were flabbergasted at the young dragon's foolish bravery.

"What are you talking about, child?" Bida's eyes glowed when they asked that, their sharp eyes pinning the young dragon and even when Juno realized that she was angering her mother's dragon, she did not stop.

"Oh, Bida, I know you have only just returned and you might find it hard to remember whatever happened between you a thousand years ago, but let me tell you this: this woman is a fucking curse and she does not deserve to be your mate--" Juno's words were cruel and unforgiving, she did not care if she hurt anyone, and Aaliyah knew Bida was going to lose control if she did not intervene at once.

"Juno, stop," the woman hissed at her daughter, the anxiousness making Juno obey albeit unsurely, and when she glanced at Esme, Bida felt their heart sinking because her eyes were dull and guarded once more.

"But that was the plan, wasn't it? You were going to reject her after you got Bida back and then we would go back home," Juno mumbled lowly, looking at her mother with fearful and unsure eyes, and Tulip gasped softly at her words while Iris and Athena tensed.

"What is she talking about, Aaliyah?" Bida asked their human in an angry hiss, their eyes glowing at the mere thought of rejecting the mate bond between them, and Aaliyah ignored them before addressing her daughter.

"I know what I said, Juno--" Aaliyah halted the moment she had admitted that, causing Bida to become utterly alarmed, and even when she did not look at her, she could feel the deep breath Esme took just then.

"--but things have changed... We can not stay here anymore. There can not exist two White Dragons in one realm and if we stay, Yvette will not survive," Aaliyah tried to reason with her daughter in the most gentle voice she could muster, ignoring Bida for now, and Juno glanced at Yvette for a few seconds before huffing.

"I do not like the fucking princess and she is mean as fuck... But I don't want her to die, too. We were friends until she fell for the sham that is mate bond," the younger dragon admitted bitterly, recalling the many hours they had spent watching stupid human films together and Aaliyah gave her daughter a loving smile.

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