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I sat, crossed-legged, feeling the soft grass beneath me, my hands resting gently on my lap. Posture straight. The sensation of a fresh breeze tickled her skin. The delicate, earthy aroma of soil, combined with an assortment of herbs, permeated my nostrils. This was not the first time I tried meditation. I used to before but had stopped due to my busy schedule. This meditation was different. It was a meditation to learn to control my aura and harness my powers.


Listen carefully, Aura is like the hidden magic of the universe, but it's not something you wave a wand for or shout 'Abracadabra.' like Harry Potter. No, it's way cooler than that!

Remember Layla describing it as the electromagnetic field around our body? It is the life energy that every living being possesses, but it is not always apparent to the naked eye. It was a mystical force, akin to the power that makes superheroes super, and it is hidden within everyone, waiting to be unlocked.

So, picture this, you are a character in a game, and when you can tap into it, it's like you're levelling up in the video game, but in real life. There are five different categories of Aura manipulation, and each one is like a unique character class.

First is elemental, which allows you to control forces like Air, water, land, and so on. The second is an enhancer, which allows you to enhance your physical body by making it extremely stretchable or pumping in Aura in your body to increase muscle mass. Third are craftsmen who manipulate the aura and turn them into objects. Fourth are controllers for their ability. They can control inanimate objects or sometimes animals or even humans. Specialists who have abilities that don't fall into any of these categories.

Which category you fall into is totally innate and you can't change it or use two different categories.

Every Aura manipulator can strengthen their bodies beyond human limits, also it can be used to unleash devastating attacks or even heal wounds. The extent of your ability totally depends on the amount of training you have been through. Also, some people are better than others at it. There can be two water users, but their ability to control water can be totally different. that's the twist. It's not about brute force. It's more about understanding it and learning to utilize it to the fullest.

It's all strategy.

Now I'm here learning to control my abilities. I could see and manipulate My Aura but couldn't fully tap into my abilities yet.

Any guesses about which category I fall into?

"Okay, Kaya," Dev began in a soothing voice, he was standing right behind me guiding me "We'll start by grounding ourselves. Feel the earth beneath you, its energy rising up to meet you, supporting you. Let your worries and distractions melt away."

I took a deep breath, imagining myself connected to the very core of the Earth. I felt the gentle, pulsating energy of the ground beneath her, as though it were a part of my being.

"Good," Dev encouraged. "Now, let's move on to your aura. Picture a soft, radiant light surrounding your body. It's an extension of your essence, your energy. Feel it there, like a protective cocoon."

I concentrated on visualizing the aura. At first, it was just a faint shimmer, but with Dev's guidance, it grew stronger and brighter. It enveloped me like a warm, comforting blanket. I could feel a surge of warmth rushing through my body as I guided the energy through my body.

"Now, imagine that you can control this light," Dev said. "Expand it slowly, pushing it outward from your body. It's an extension of your willpower. Feel it growing, extending."

I focused on the image of my aura expanding. With each passing moment, I could sense it stretching farther and farther away from her physical form. It was a remarkable feeling, like an invisible force emanating from my very core.

Case Zero : The Awakening  (#1 Paranormal Agents Series) |Ongoing|Where stories live. Discover now